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Thursday, March 27, 2025

Grenadians up in arms over Kman 6ixx’s performance on island for Independence


Jesse Ramdeo
436 days ago

Jesse Ramdeo

Se­nior Re­porter

A lo­cal dance hall artiste, who was tar­get­ed by gun­men, is re­ceiv­ing push back from Grena­di­an na­tion­als ahead of his an­tic­i­pat­ed per­for­mance on the eve of the is­land’s 50th in­de­pen­dence an­niver­sary due to safe­ty con­cerns.

Set to head­line the event Our Fete, host­ed by Roll­out Pro­mo­tions, The Cow­Pen Big Yard & Bo­go­zo Bar­ber­shop in Grena­da is Kashif “Kman 6ixx” Alexan­der.

Re­cent­ly, the dance hall artiste has been grab­bing news head­lines in T&T af­ter a brazen shoot­ing in De­cem­ber 2023 claimed the lives of four peo­ple among them an in­no­cent woman who was look­ing out her win­dow.

The at­tack un­fold­ed along the west bound lane of the Churchill-Roo­sevelt High­way, in St Au­gus­tine. 

Ac­knowl­edg­ing that the in­ci­dent was “very, very se­ri­ous,” Se­nior Supt of the North Cen­tral Di­vi­sion, Richard Smith, said it un­der­scored the cav­a­lier at­ti­tude of those who com­mit­ted the act.

He said it demon­strat­ed a “lack of care and con­cern for any­body on the road­way, and for any­body else who was stand­ing near­by.”

In the wake of the shoot­ing and al­leged on­go­ing gang war­fare Grena­di­ans are seem­ing­ly push­ing back against the artiste from per­form­ing on the is­land.

A re­port pub­lished on Sun­day in Grena­da’s The New To­day said, “Grena­di­ans are up in arms over a show to be held.” Peo­ple al­so ques­tioned whether the artiste should even be grant­ed a work per­mit.

“This is a se­ri­ous mat­ter. No work per­mit should be giv­en,” one per­son said while an­oth­er stat­ed that giv­en the in­for­ma­tion com­ing to light about the artiste, “I won­der if af­ter that they will give him per­mis­sion … let’s see.”

The on­go­ing gang war­fare be­tween the Six and Sev­en Gangs has been a se­cu­ri­ty is­sue en­gag­ing law of­fi­cials and au­thor­i­ties in T&T.

A se­nior of­fi­cial at the Roy­al Grena­da Po­lice Force, speak­ing un­der anonymi­ty, said there was a se­ri­ous cause for con­cern over the spill over of the on­go­ing gang war­fare in T&T. 

The of­fi­cial said giv­en the re­cent at­tempts on the life of Kmann 6ixx’s, a per­for­mance at a con­cert in Grena­da could pro­vide an­oth­er op­por­tu­ni­ty for a hit, this time na­tion­als could al­so be in­jured or even killed.

The of­fi­cial al­so main­tained that un­nec­es­sary safe­ty risks should not be tak­en and point­ed to the in­volve­ment of a T&T na­tion­al in the hit of De­vlon Thomas back in Au­gust last year.

It was re­port­ed that fol­low­ing the fall­out, Kmann Sixx took to so­cial me­dia main­tain­ing that his on­ly goal was to make a bet­ter life for is fam­i­ly and those sur­round­ing him.

Guardian Me­dia un­der­stands that a fi­nal de­ter­mi­na­tion on whether or not the lo­cal artiste will be al­lowed to per­form is ex­pect­ed to be made soon.

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