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Sunday, March 2, 2025

Man shot dead during robbery

Tearful granny asks: Why did you have to kill him?


Radhica De Silva
303 days ago


As tears poured down her face for her mur­dered grand­son Dar­i­on Pierre, grand­moth­er June Pierre posed a heart­felt ques­tion to those who vi­o­lent­ly end­ed his life.

“Why did you have to kill him? Why break his hand and foot and throw him in the bush like he is a dog? He has par­ents, grand­par­ents, and sib­lings w ho love him. You could have robbed him, but you did not have to kill him,” she said.

Speak­ing to Guardian Me­dia from her Rush­worth Street home yes­ter­day, the grand­moth­er said she was in church when she got the news that Pierre’s body had been found off Cot­ton Hill, Bonne Aven­ture, Gas­par­il­lo, in a bushy area on Wednes­day.

Hours be­fore on that same day, Pierre’s rel­a­tives of­fi­cial­ly re­port­ed him miss­ing to the po­lice af­ter he failed to re­turn home from his work at Ju­nior Sam­my Con­trac­tors, Clax­ton Bay, on Tues­day evening. Fran­tic calls to his cell phone and search­es proved fu­tile.

The body of the 20-year-old man was found at the bot­tom of a precipice in Gas­par­il­lo by a child who was walk­ing to school. His car and valu­ables were nowhere to be seen.

An au­top­sy con­duct­ed on his body at the Foren­sic Sci­ence Cen­tre yes­ter­day showed he died from a gun­shot wound to the head. Po­lice said it was like­ly he was al­ready dead when he was thrown down Cot­ton Hill.

His dis­traught grand­moth­er said Pierre was young and had his whole life ahead of him.

She de­scribed him as a hard-work­ing and obe­di­ent child. Al­though Pierre grew up in the “Build­ings” (Hous­ing De­vel­op­ment Cor­po­ra­tion’s apart­ment com­plex on Rush­worth Street), his grand­moth­er said Pierre want­ed to make a good life for him­self.

“He said he want­ed to have his own house by the age of 30. He was work­ing since he was in school, and he saved and bought his car by age 19. That car, a Maz­da 323, was his pride and joy,” she wept.

It was this car that po­lice be­lieve led to his mur­der. The car re­mains miss­ing, along with Pierre’s smart­watch.

Mean­while, Dana Pierre said her broth­er would have cel­e­brat­ed his 21st birth­day on May 21.

“I be­lieve it may be peo­ple that he knows who did this. He was al­ways scep­ti­cal about his sur­round­ings. I be­lieve they prob­a­bly beat him, and he fought back. Maybe they threw him out of the car. We don’t know,” she spec­u­lat­ed. Dana added that Pierre was al­ways care­ful to go to work and then come home straight.

“He al­ways would mes­sage and ask what we cooked,” she re­called. Say­ing she last spoke to her broth­er on Mon­day night, Dana said she nev­er be­lieved that he would end up a crime vic­tim.

“My broth­er is the love of my life, the love of my sis­ter’s life. He was al­ways hap­py and help­ful. Any­thing that we need, he is here for us. I don’t have any faith we will find his killers. This is re­al­ly sad for us,” the sis­ter whis­pered.

Dana al­so said the fam­i­ly had lost all hope since Pierre died.

“I don’t even want to stay in Trinidad any­more. I want to take my son and leave Trinidad. Crimes just go­ing un­solved. Fam­i­lies get­ting no clo­sure. The killers are not be­ing dealt with. We have no faith in the jus­tice sys­tem,” she cried.

Dana al­so sent a mes­sage to Min­is­ter of Na­tion­al Se­cu­ri­ty Fitzger­ald Hinds.

“The Min­is­ter of Na­tion­al Se­cu­ri­ty needs to do bet­ter. We feel un­safe. My son is five, and I am afraid to send him to places. My broth­er did not do any­one any­thing,” she said.

The sis­ter added that when Pierre failed to come home on Tues­day night, rel­a­tives went search­ing for him.

“We drove from San Fer­nan­do to Cou­va. We checked the hos­pi­tals look­ing for my broth­er. All night we searched un­til morn­ing when the sun came up,” Dana said as she lament­ed the ter­ror he would have en­dured.

Any­one with in­for­ma­tion on Pierre’s mur­der can con­tact Crime Stop­pers at 800-TIPS.

The coun­try’s mur­der count now stands at 182.

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