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Monday, March 3, 2025

Mayaro UNC exec blanks Paray


343 days ago
Mayaro MP Rushton Paray at his press conference in Couva on Friday.

Mayaro MP Rushton Paray at his press conference in Couva on Friday.


Se­nior Po­lit­i­cal Re­porter

The Ma­yaro con­stituen­cy ex­ec­u­tive of the Unit­ed Na­tion­al Con­gress (UNC) is sup­port­ing po­lit­i­cal leader Kam­la Per­sad-Bisses­sar and has dis­tanced it­self from the state­ments and ac­tions of MP Rush­ton Paray.

“Mr Paray has his views and those are his views but this is the stance of the Ma­yaro con­stituen­cy ex­ec­u­tive at this time. There’s one leader and we sup­port her,” con­stituen­cy chair­man Shaf­fick Mo­hammed said yes­ter­day.

In a state­ment, af­ter Paray chal­lenged the par­ty’s lead­er­ship to hold Na­tion­al Ex­ec­u­tive elec­tions by June, the Ma­yaro ex­ec­u­tive said they “stand firm­ly and res­olute­ly in sup­port and en­dorse­ment of our po­lit­i­cal leader Kam­la Per­sad-Bisses­sar and the Na­tion­al Ex­ec­u­tive”.

The state­ment con­tin­ued: “We can al­so at­test to the fact that our par­ty has been found­ed up­on strong and re­silient de­mo­c­ra­t­ic prin­ci­ples and tra­di­tions which has (sic) nev­er been com­pro­mised. This is ev­i­denced by the ‘one man one vote’ mech­a­nism which en­sures that all mem­bers are af­ford­ed the op­por­tu­ni­ty to par­tic­i­pate in all ac­tiv­i­ties and elec­tions of the par­ty.

“We are there­fore con­fi­dent our po­lit­i­cal leader and na­tion­al ex­ec­u­tive will con­tin­ue to pre­serve, pro­tect and ad­here to all the pro­vi­sions en­shrined in our par­ty’s con­sti­tu­tion in the in­ter­est of our mem­ber­ship.

“In the mean­time, just like our fel­low con­stituen­cy ex­ec­u­tives, we are fo­cused on mo­bil­is­ing and putting our elec­toral sys­tems in place as we pre­pare for a gen­er­al elec­tion to re­move and get rid of this most cor­rupt, in­com­pe­tent, in­sen­si­tive and wicked PNM Gov­ern­ment. We stand ready and com­mit­ted to work­ing with our po­lit­i­cal leader, the na­tion­al ex­ec­u­tive and oth­er arms of the par­ty in re­al­is­ing these ob­jec­tives, not on­ly for our mem­ber­ship but the wider so­ci­ety. We are al­so of the firm view that uni­ty will pre­vail and the UNC and Mrs Kam­la Per­sad-Bisses­sar will rise again.”

Mo­hammed said the ex­ec­u­tive met Fri­day af­ter Paray’s press brief­ing.

“We stand by the par­ty and lead­er­ship and my be­lief is every­body needs to get on board for the gen­er­al elec­tion and pull to­geth­er as a team for the UNC to win Gov­ern­ment,” he added.

Asked whether Ma­yaro ex­ec­u­tive mem­bers had signed nom­i­na­tion forms en­dors­ing any Ma­yaro nom­i­nees, Mo­hammed said he didn’t know who had filed nom­i­na­tions but re­it­er­at­ed that who­ev­er is cho­sen, “we’ll stand by them and work with them”.

Paray has been MP since 2015. Mo­hammed said most of the peo­ple who func­tioned as MPs for the area did what they had to, since it has been dif­fi­cult be­ing in op­po­si­tion.

“This area has been ne­glect­ed for nine-plus years. We need a lot of things - roads, in­fra­struc­ture, wa­ter. We have wa­ter prob­lems week­ly. Ma­yaro Beach is sup­posed to be the Mi­a­mi of the Caribbean but we have lim­it­ed life­guards and fa­cil­i­ties,” he added.

Re­spond­ing in a state­ment to the Ma­yaro ex­ec­u­tive’s move, Paray said they were ex­er­cis­ing their de­mo­c­ra­t­ic right to have a po­si­tion on any par­ty mat­ter.

“It’s the right of each per­son to ex­er­cise their de­mo­c­ra­t­ic right to have a po­si­tion on any par­ty mat­ter. I will de­fend my col­leagues’ right to their po­si­tion all the time. At the same time, the rights of the thou­sands of or­di­nary mem­bers to have the con­sti­tu­tion­al­ly due Na­tex elec­tions date called must be re­spect­ed,” he said.

There are re­ports that the pres­ence of Hen­ry Awong, deputy chair­man of the Cou­va/Tabaquite/Tal­paro Re­gion­al Cor­po­ra­tion, at the head ta­ble for Paray’s me­dia brief­ing caused great con­cern in the UNC-con­trolled cor­po­ra­tion. Awong, who head­ed the cor­po­ra­tion for sev­er­al years, was re­placed as chair­man by Ryan Ram­per­sad af­ter last year’s lo­cal gov­ern­ment elec­tion.

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