Former Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition, Kamla Persad-Bissessar SC MP, will be presenting a detailed response to the 2021 Budget Presentation today, in Parliament, from just after 10 this morning.
Since the presentation of the 2021 Budget on Monday 5 October by Minister of Finance Colm Imbert MP, the Opposition Leader has gone on record with a few of her objections and concerns over the Government’s plans for the next fiscal year.
One of her strongest objections to date, has been to Government’s plans to remove fuel subsidies on premium and super gasoline come January 2021, making way for gas station owners to set their own fuel prices.
“This will only add further hardship to the people of Trinidad and Tobago,” the Opposition Leader said this week.
The removal of fuel subsidy has shown how insensitive the government could be. At a time when their previous five years of mismanagement coupled with the coronavirus pandemic has devastated the economy and businesses, the people expected some assistance and security from the Government. It comes as no surprise, given their track record, that the Government is not providing this,” Mrs Persad-Bissessar stated.
The former prime minister also argued that nothing has been done “to cushion the effects of the removal of the fuel subsidy”.
“There is no strong stimulus package to help businesses survive and grow to retain their workforce or to provide jobs,” she told reporters this week, “and the additional hardships that the fuel subsidy removal will bring, will no doubt further weaken the middle and lower class worsening the country’s plight.”
Like Minister of Finance Colm Imbert MP, Mrs Persad-Bissessar will have unlimited speaking time to present her rebuttal, following which full debate by MPs will proceed.