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Tuesday, March 25, 2025

PM hails contribution of East Indian community on Indian Arrival Day


Ryan Bachoo
665 days ago
Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley

Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley


The Prime Min­is­ter said the con­tri­bu­tions of the East In­di­ans in this coun­try could be iden­ti­fied vis­i­bly in med­i­cine, law, the sci­ences, en­gi­neer­ing, lit­er­a­ture, arts, man­u­fac­tur­ing, in the suc­cess­ful fam­i­ly busi­ness­es in the ser­vices sec­tor, and in the high­est lev­els of pub­lic ser­vice.

He added, “I main­tain that there is no con­tra­dic­tion, be­tween a per­son rec­og­niz­ing his or her an­ces­tral her­itage, on one hand, and pledg­ing un­wa­ver­ing sup­port to the na­tion-state of Trinidad and To­ba­go, on the oth­er.”

The Prime Min­is­ter went fur­ther in stat­ing, “I be­lieve that, at this point, all cit­i­zens need to mo­bilise and fo­cus on our col­lec­tive ef­forts and hopes for a bet­ter Trinidad and To­ba­go. To do oth­er­wise is to be haunt­ed by “eth­nic ghosts,” and to per­pet­u­ate the agen­das of those among us, who re­fused to see hope — but in­stead on­ly fear, racial di­vi­sive­ness, ha­tred, bit­ter­ness, un­rest, and dis­sen­sion.


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