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Thursday, March 27, 2025

Prisons Commissioner calls for help in rehabilitating inmates


Sascha Wilson
10 days ago
Pupils of the Avocat Vedic Primary School and South Oropouche RC Primary School pose for a photo after receiving new glasses from the Rapidfire Kidz Foundation at Avocat Vedic School, Avocat Village, Fyzabad, on Saturday.

Pupils of the Avocat Vedic Primary School and South Oropouche RC Primary School pose for a photo after receiving new glasses from the Rapidfire Kidz Foundation at Avocat Vedic School, Avocat Village, Fyzabad, on Saturday.


Act­ing Com­mis­sion­er of Pris­ons Car­los Cor­raspe has called on the pub­lic to sup­port ef­forts to re­ha­bil­i­tate for­mer in­mates as they rein­te­grate in­to so­ci­ety af­ter serv­ing their sen­tences. 

De­liv­er­ing the fea­ture ad­dress at the Rapid­fire Kidz Foun­da­tion Eyes Right glass­es pre­sen­ta­tion func­tion at Av­o­cat Vedic Pri­ma­ry School in Fyz­abad on Sat­ur­day, Cor­raspe said re­ha­bil­i­tat­ed in­mates who have served their sen­tence are of­ten mar­gin­alised in so­ci­ety.

“Kevin just spoke about how it takes a vil­lage to raise a child, and that will stand the test of time for­ev­er. I want to add to that to say it takes a vil­lage to re­form an of­fend­er. The prison ser­vice can on­ly do so much, but we need your as­sis­tance. We need your ac­cep­tance. We need your un­der­stand­ing that you have a role to play,” he said. 

In his re­marks, foun­da­tion pres­i­dent Kevin Rati­ram said Rapid­fire Kidz was dis­trib­ut­ing 48 pairs of glass­es to stu­dents from the Av­o­cat Vedic Pri­ma­ry School and the Oropouche RC Pri­ma­ry School, in­creas­ing the to­tal num­ber of pupils re­ceiv­ing glass­es through their pro­gramme to 1,317. 

Urg­ing cit­i­zens and com­pa­nies to in­vest in young peo­ple by do­nat­ing to schools, he said the quan­ti­ty does not mat­ter as “a lit­tle bit adds up.”

Thank­ing See-Vu Op­ti­cal and their spon­sor Re­pub­lic Bank, Rati­ram warned that if there’s no in­vest­ment in young peo­ple, they would like­ly end up in prison or suf­fer a fate much worse. —Sascha Wil­son

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