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Monday, March 3, 2025

Football fraternity crushed as former North East Stars owner Mahabir dies


1173 days ago
Darryl Mahabir, former owner of North East Stars, who passed away on Wednesday.

Darryl Mahabir, former owner of North East Stars, who passed away on Wednesday.

The lo­cal foot­ball com­mu­ni­ty was crushed on Wednes­day fol­low­ing the un­time­ly pass­ing of Dar­ryl Ma­habir, the for­mer North East Stars own­er and di­rec­tor who be­came an­oth­er sta­tis­tic of the COVID-19 virus.

At 48, Ma­habir was the own­er of the tasty Dar­ryl's Fa­mous Foods for­mer­ly 'Japs' Chick­en fran­chise who, be­cause of his love for the game of foot­ball, en­tered the top flight T&T Pro League in 2002. That move helped in trans­form­ing the San­gre Grande com­mu­ni­ty where he grew up, as it cre­at­ed many op­por­tu­ni­ties for peo­ple who lived there.

The team re­ceived a 'bap­tism of fire' in their first sea­son, fin­ish­ing last in the league with a dis­mal record of four wins, two ties, and 22 loss­es. They im­proved dra­mat­i­cal­ly in 2003, how­ev­er, jump­ing from last to third, as they went 19–7–10. They im­proved even fur­ther in 2004, sur­pris­ing every­one by win­ning the league with a dom­i­nant 14–5–2 per­for­mance. They fin­ished fifth in 2005.

On Thurs­day­day, two for­mer play­ers turned coach - Kevin Jef­freys and Derek King - hailed Ma­habir as unique, say­ing he pre­sent­ed op­por­tu­ni­ties as coach and ad­min­is­tra­tors to them.

Jef­freys said: "It mashed me up yes­ter­day (Wednes­day) when I got the news. Dar­ryl did a lot for me and my fam­i­ly. One of the rea­sons I re­tired was be­cause he saw me as a good man­ag­er, al­though I want­ed to coach.

"He said 'you would be a good ad­min­is­tra­tor' and he re­al­ly gave me that op­por­tu­ni­ty to get to the oth­er side of foot­ball, so I owe a lot to him. It is still un­be­liev­able to me be­cause I thought he would have been able to fight that cold, so when I got the call yes­ter­day it was re­al emo­tion­al for me.

"At North/East Stars I did every­thing. I was a tech­ni­cal di­rec­tor ini­tial­ly, I was a club man­ag­er, I was a youth team coach, I was as­sis­tant coach, so North/East was an in­sti­tu­tion that af­ford­ed me a lot of ex­pe­ri­ences on the oth­er side of play­ing.

"Dar­ryl and I had a busi­ness arrange­ment as well. I used to pro­vide sal­ads for him in the ear­ly part of Japs. And af­ter he took that sab­bat­i­cal of two years, I think was 2007-2009, he want­ed to come back out with the team, that's how Brent San­cho got in­volved."

And ac­cord­ing to King: "Dar­ryl would spend his last dol­lar to see foot­ball. He used to throw off-sea­son tour­na­ment in San­gre Grande, be­cause he just love the sport, I don't think you get plen­ty like him.

"Where we built that bond though, was when a sur­vey was done among the T&T Pro League teams and they had North East com­ing last, and I told him 'boss you don't wor­ry, we will win the league for you'.

"We went on to lift the ti­tle that year and he was re­al­ly re­al­ly shocked, be­cause we didn't re­al­ly had fund­ing. And when he met with the play­ers he was very hon­est with them and I don't think he is ow­ing any play­er, any mon­ey."

North East is now de­funct, hav­ing been tak­en over by busi­ness­man Ryan Nunes. The club is now called AC Port-of-Spain.

Un­der Ma­habir, how­ev­er, the club can boast of be­ing cham­pi­ons once in 2004; Big Six Win­ners 2004; FA Tro­phy win­ners 2003; run­ners-up 2006, 2010–11; First Cit­i­zens Cup Run­ners-up 2006,2016/2017 2014; Toy­ota Clas­sic win­ners 2012 and Lu­cozade Sport Goal Shield win­ners in 2010.

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