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Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Scott, Walklin top TTDA National 501 Open


Sport Desk
390 days ago
National 501 Open men's and women's champions James Walklin and Karen Scott.

National 501 Open men's and women's champions James Walklin and Karen Scott.

Karen Scott and James Walk­lin made a suc­cess­ful open­ing to the darts sea­son, emerg­ing the re­spec­tive women's and men's cham­pi­ons of the Na­tion­al 501 Open host­ed by the T&T Darts As­so­ci­a­tion (TT­DA) last Tues­day (Jan­u­ary 23) at the home of darts, Kos­mos Mem­bers Club in Port-of-Spain.

In the women's cat­e­go­ry, Scott took on Pe­tri­cia Mes­si­ah in the fi­nal. Scott took an ear­ly lead but Mes­si­ah fought back to make it 1-1 and forced a de­cid­ing leg, af­ter some great ex­change of darts Scott was the win­ner and crowned the T&T Na­tion­al 501 Dou­ble In/Dou­ble out women's cham­pi­on 2024.

In the men's di­vi­sion, Walk­lin took on Joshua Bal­four. This fi­nal was a bat­tle of the two most in-form na­tion­al men's play­ers.

Walk­lin looked very com­fort­able ear­ly on tak­ing a 1-0 lead but Bal­four kept his com­po­sure mak­ing it 1-1. Walk­lin again took the lead but Bal­four be­ing the tena­cious play­er he is brought it back to 2-2 forc­ing a de­cid­ing leg, af­ter some nervy throws and a few missed at­tempts at dou­ble. Walk­lin with dou­ble twen­ty left, took it out on the first time of ask­ing to be crowned the T&T Na­tion­al 501 Dou­ble In/Dou­ble Out men's cham­pi­on.

Sim­i­lar to the Pre­mier League where the Com­mu­ni­ty Shield is the cur­tain rais­er, the Na­tion­al Open marks the of­fi­cial start of the new sea­son of darts. A new for­mat was pro­posed and this will be the for­mat through­out the sea­son. The league will be a 501 tour­na­ment so as to keep all na­tion­al play­ers sharp for the up­com­ing Caribbean Darts Cup to be held in Ja­maica in Ju­ly but to keep every­one even sharp­er the league will be a “dou­ble in /dou­ble out” for­mat mean­ing in or­der for the game to pro­ceed the play­ers must hit a dou­ble to start the game and as usu­al hit a dou­ble to win the game. The par­tic­i­pants for the Na­tion­al Open were split in­to men's and women's cat­e­gories and played a round-robin tour­na­ment.

The of­fi­cial league of darts is card­ed to be­gin on Tues­day (Jan­u­ary 30) at Kos­mos Mem­bers Club.

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