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Thursday, March 27, 2025

T&T's CAC Games track and field contingent departs for El Salvador


Clayton Clarke
635 days ago

Reign­ing World In­door cham­pi­on Jereem Richards and 2012 Olympic gold medal­list Keshorn Wal­cott head T&T's 23-mem­ber ath­let­ics con­tin­gent which has de­part­ed for El Sal­vador for the track and field com­pe­ti­tion set from Ju­ly 2 - 8 at the Cen­tral Amer­i­ca and Caribbean (CAC) Games.

Richards, who raced to the 2022 World In­door men's 400 me­tres ti­tle in Bel­grade, Ser­bia, will con­test the 400m in El Sal­vador along with his Abi­lene Wild­cats team-mate Ohdel James. Richards, the 2018/2022 Com­mon­wealth Games men's 200m cham­pi­ons, set a per­son­al best of 44.68 sec­onds in April while James was part of the West Texas A&M Uni­ver­si­ty team which won the 2023 NCAA Di­vi­sion II 4x400m re­lay crown.

Richards and James will com­bine with for­mer World Ju­nior 400m gold medal­lists Ren­ny Quow (2006) and Machel Ce­de­nio (2014) in the men's x400m re­lay. Richards, Quow and Ce­de­nio were part of T&T's 2017 World Cham­pi­onships gold medal-win­ning team.

Wal­cott will be aim­ing to re­tain his CAC men's javelin ti­tle af­ter he struck gold in 2018 in Colom­bia. The 2012 World Ju­nior and four-time Carif­ta cham­pi­on, has a sea­son's best of 85.65m.

Na­tion­al men's long jump record-hold­er And­wuelle Wright will be aim­ing to im­prove on the bronze medal he won in 2018. The mul­ti­ple Carif­ta and CAC Ju­nior gold medal­list will be hop­ing that he has re­cov­ered from a re­cent in­jury.

Men's shot put record-hold­er Akeem Stew­art was sev­enth in 2018 and will no doubt be out to im­prove. Stew­art sur­passed his na­tion­al mark to 20.99m in 2022. Hezekiel Romeo is T&T's oth­er en­trant in the men's shot put. The 2011 Com­mon­wealth Youth Games bronze medal­list was sixth in 2018.

US Ju­nior Col­lege in­door and out­door cham­pi­on Kelsey Daniel is list­ed for the men's triple jump.

This year's NCAA Di­vi­sion I women's 4x100m fi­nal­ist Leah Bertrand along with Ak­i­lah Lewis will rep­re­sent the twin-is­land Re­pub­lic in the women's 100m. Bertrand sped to a per­son­al best (pb) and World Cham­pi­onships time of 11.08 twice this year while Lewis al­so clocked a pb of 11.21 this sea­son. Reign­ing Carif­ta Girls Un­der-20 cham­pi­on Sanaa Fred­er­ick and her twin sis­ter Sole are en­tered in the women's 200m. The four, along with vet­er­an sprint­er Re­yare Thomas, 36, are part of the women's 4x100m.

Mul­ti­ple na­tion­al record-hold­er–long jump, hep­tathlon and high jump–Tyra Git­tens is slat­ed for the women's long jump.

World Uni­ver­si­ty Games medal­list Por­tious War­ren and her To­co TAFAC club mem­ber Cherisse Mur­ray take aim at gold, in the women's shot put and re­turn home with the ti­tle won by Cleopa­tra Borel in 2018.

Ju­ly 4 will be the first day of ac­tion for T&T ath­letes and sev­er­al will com­pete.

Ben­jamin and Har­ri­son Jr will be first up in the men's 100m semi­fi­nals. The women's 100m semi­fi­nals (Bertrand and Lewis) are al­so on the sched­ule. The 100m fi­nals will be con­test­ed lat­er in the day. Stew­art and Romeo will vie for gold in the men's shot put fi­nal. Git­tens' women's long jump fi­nal is al­so card­ed for that day.

T&T track and field team


100: Leah Bertrand (Sim­plex), Ak­i­lah Lewis (Con­corde)

200m: Sane Fred­er­ick (Sim­plex), Sole Fred­er­ick (Sim­plex)

Long jump: Tyra Git­tens (Kaizen Pan­thers)

Shot put : Por­tious War­ren (To­co TAFAC), Cherisse Mur­ray (To­co TAFAC)

4x100m: Bertrand, Lewis, Sane Fred­er­ick, Sole Fred­er­ick, Re­yare Thomas (Abi­lene Wild­cats)


100m: Kion Ben­jain (Mem­phis Pi­o­neers); Er­ic Har­ri­son Jr (Abi­lene Wild­cats)

200m: Car­lon Hosten (Abi­lene Wild­cats), Devin Au­gus­tine (Pt. Fortin New Jets)

400m: Jereem Richards (Abi­lene Wild­cats), Ohdel James (Abi­lene Wild­cats)

Long jump: And­wuelle Wright (Kaizen Pan­thers)

Triple jump: Kelsey Daniel (Kaizen Pan­thers)

Shot put: Akeem Stew­art (Kaizen Pan­thers); Hezekiel Romeo (Un­at­tached)

Dis­cus: Jaden James Fa­ti­ma); Christo­pher Craw­ford (Un­at­tached)

Javelin: Keshorn Wal­cott (Un­at­tached)

4x100m: Ben­jamin, Har­ri­son Jr., Hosten, Au­gus­tine, Tyrel Ed­wards (To­co Ti­tans)

4x400m: Richards, James, Che Lara (Abi­lene Wild­cats), Machel Ce­deni­no (Sim­plex), Ren­ny Quow (Zenith)

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