Methanex Trinidad is seeking to engage the Government in its new methanol fuel-blending initiative as an alternative to gasoline. Charles Percy, managing director/chief executive officer of Methanex made the announcement yesterday during the company's Media Lunch and Learn conference at the Hyatt Regency hotel, Port-of-Spain.
Percy said the potential benefit from the fuel-blending initiative is to free up subsidised gasoline for export which would in turn lead to higher revenues for T&T. Two weeks ago, Methanex and Methanol Holdings signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) as its first step in promoting this initiative for the local market.
The MOU also provided a framework for the two companies to develop and execute a pilot programme to demonstrate the technical suitability of blending methanol into gasoline and the establishment of an economic model concerning the blending of methanol into gasoline in the local market. Percy said the company had already begun discussions with the Government and Petrotrin in the industry and was receiving favourable feedback. He added that they would be presenting the economic model to the Government soon. He said methanol fuel blending has already gained momentum on the international scene as China was leading in this energy application. In China, it was estimated that ten per cent of the world's 2009 methanol production was blended into gasoline market last year, he stated.
Also speaking at the conference was John Floren, Methanex senior vice president in the marketing and logistics department, who stated that it was an economic advantage for the country because it would be blended here. He said it was a great opportunity for T&T as Methanex is the world largest supplier of methanol and consequently T&T, is the leading global producer of methanol which ultimately would provide a significant potential for fuel blending. Methanol, he said, was used in countless industrial and consumer products and increasingly in energy.
Floren explained that the company would be using a 3-5 per cent of blends in the initial stages. He said some of the benefits to be derived from this initiative included increased revenues to T&T from gasoline exports freed up by methanol blended into T&T gasoline pool and cheaper, cleaner burning and more efficient gasoline.
The product would also be used in vehicle engines, requiring no modification or infrastructure and the transition to the consumer would be invisible and seamless. However, for future possibilities, Floren said the introduction of flexible fuel vehicles (FFV's) which run on higher methanol blends would offer substantial fuel cost savings and free up gasoline for exports. Thus, Methanex announced its sponsorship of drag racer Sheldon Bissessar. Bissessar, a Trinidad native, who also resides in the USA said he has been using methanol to fuel his vehicle for the past six years out of 23 years of drag racing. He said this was the beginning of his world titles. Bissessar said with his 5,000 horsepower engine, gasoline could not compete with methanol to give him the power he required. He is also the IHRA Top Dragster World Record holder, a title which he won in March this year.