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Saturday, March 22, 2025

Songs, movies contribute to youth violence



The del­i­cate is­sue of youth vi­o­lence in T&T has caused great de­bate. Every­one has dif­fer­ent points of view when it comes to youth vi­o­lence, but in my opin­ion I think that the vi­o­lence is caused by the songs and movies our chil­dren lis­ten to and watch.

Par­ents, have you ever tak­en some time to lis­ten to the songs and movies that are be­ing pro­duced in to­day's world? What is the gen­er­al theme? What is the mes­sage artistes are send­ing through these songs and movies?

Take in­to con­sid­er­a­tion song artistes such as Pop­caan, Vy­bz Kar­tel, Al­ka­line, Tom­my Lee, etc, and movie stars such as Tyrese Gib­son, Mea­gan Good, etc. All these songs and movies that they pro­duce are based on who is the most "dread" in so­ci­ety; who be­long to the most dread­ful gang; who has the most guns; who has the most "hoes" and a lot more il­lit­er­ate crap.

They al­so go to the ex­treme in their songs telling us how vi­o­lent they are and what they can do. And to men­tion the movies as well, all they are based on is ro­mance, killing and drug traf­fick­ing. And this is what our youths are ex­pose to. They hear and see, through the songs and movies, the ben­e­fits and plea­sure these artists get from the gang­ster life they live. And they want the same.

They of­ten have these artistes as their role mod­els and start im­i­tat­ing every­thing these do, from the way they dress to the way they act.If you look care­ful­ly at the youths to­day you would ac­tu­al­ly see what I am talk­ing about.

And this is why there are so many vi­o­lent and ex­ces­sive killings in so­ci­ety. Since these movies and songs that are pro­duce are all based on form­ing gangs and mak­ing easy mon­ey by rob­bery and drug traf­fick­ing, the youths of­ten want to achieve the same, be­cause it may seem as an easy way for them to have a lux­u­ri­ous life.

In this way there is a lot of gangs form­ing which lead to a lot of turf wars, ob­vi­ous­ly re­sult­ing in a lot of killings.And this is just but one fac­tor that caus­es the youths to turn to vi­o­lence and crime.

Adam Tang

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