To the two young men who arrived in the light blue pickup van at Riseland Gardens in Carnbee, on Thursday at around 1.16 pm: You took your ladder off the van and proceeded to erect it against the coconut tree in the park. Do you know who planted those coconut trees? Well, it is the said "tourist" who asked you kindly to respect property belonging to the neighbourhood.
It is the said "tourist" who planted that and also donated 90 per cent of the shrubs and trees in the park in order that a piece of Tobago can be beautified, and that the residents of Riseland Gardens could enjoy beautiful surroundings.
The "tourist" who you said couldn't even speak English, is the one who picks up the garbage left on the street, and has, on a monthly basis for ten years, financially contributed to the cutting of the grass in that park when only four of 13 residents contributed $30 a month towards the upkeep.
The tourist who you said feels he has the authority to tell you not to pick the coconuts that doesn't belong to you, has been here and doing his part towards the betterment of Tobago for over 40 years. The "tourist" is a T&T taxpayer, contributing towards your and your kids' future.
You even mentioned that if it was a "Mr Warner" or someone else who came up to you that you would have understood better, but a "tourist", never! You further went on to say that if this was in Trinidad they would have found the "tourist" head in a whisky box somewhere, and you were so angry you could kill.
You wondered who he votes for. Well, he wonders who you vote for. Do you vote for a party who encourages you to break laws, verbally abuse others, disrespect other people's property, and have no regard for your own country? What is your contribution to your neighbourhood, village, town or island?
How many trees have you given to your neighbourhood park? How many times have you picked up garbage on your own street left by others? And when was the last time you allowed someone pick a fruit on your land?
You didn't pick a few coconuts to quench your thirst, but you took the equivalent of two bunches, threw it onto your van, then trimmed a nut and left the trimmings in the drain at the side of the road. I'm sure you felt very proud of yourself for doing that. Did you even notice that your companion in the red jersey said nothing; maybe he knew what's right and what's wrong–a little better than you.
But it's good to see that though you so hated a "tourist", you have nothing against helping yourself to things a "tourist" paid for. Thank you, young fellow, I will gladly pick up your garbage you left on the street where I live, because I regard and respect your Tobago. You sure have made the "tourist" aware of how you feel.
"Tourists" have turned their backs on Tobago, and your attitude towards "tourists" and the hurtful things you and others say might well be one of the reasons why. But don't worry my friend, you'll soon be rid of any or all "tourists" on your island if that is the way you and others show your appreciation. I hope you enjoy the coconut water bought and paid for by a "tourist", and by the way, the mangoes will soon be ripe, too.
Don't get me wrong, this is not about coconuts, but about the obnoxious and gross disregard, and disrespect of the average Tobagonian towards others. I would wish that some day you could have the pleasure of visiting the country of my birth and really experience the meaning of words like respect, and community spirit. I do wish you luck, and pray that "your Tobago" survives its' own citizens with your type of xenophobic attitude.
Very hurt, disgusted tourist,
via e-mail