High praise for T&T's economy from Suriname-based Insurance company Assuria NV, as the regulatory bodies here and in Suriname have given final approval for the company to acquire Gulf Insurance Ltd.The ceremony to introduce the new board of Gulf Insurance Limited was held at the T&T Chamber of Industry and Commerce head office, Columbus Circle, Westmoorings. On March 26, the Central Bank of T&T gave the regulatory approval for the acquisition and on April 26, the Central Bank of Suriname gave its approvals.
Stephen Smit, chief executive officer of Assuria NV, said the company wanted to grow outside of its domestic market and T&T, through Gulf Insurance, provided the ideal platform.Changes for marketing and branding the company are on the way and already the logo has been adjusted.
Explaining why Gulf Insurance Limited needed to offer itself for acquisition, managing director John Gonzales said: "One of the biggest challenges which Gulf came upon was operating in the shadow of Clico up the islands. The Gulf problem was a balance sheet problem and not an operational problem from the previous holding company which had to be replaced and which has now been replaced with a solid holding company in the Assuria.
The challenges up the islands was convincing regulators after what happened with Clico. Gulf is okay, operationally."
Gonzales said the previous board received 15 bids but did not "feel it was right for an individual (to be) in control"l."We boiled down that 15 to five. We felt that we were looking for a financial group and there were about a few of them, people who knew the business, people who had some financial management ,people who had extremely good practice in corporate governance," he said.
Gonzales added that there were even bids coming from far North of the Caribbean. There were two offers from T&T entities but Assuria came out on top. Gonzales said the level of service provided to customers continues to be strong and nothing has changed with the acquisition.Assuria is not ruling out investment in other sectors of T&T's economy but first the company wants to deepen its footprint in the Insurance industry in T&T.