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Saturday, March 22, 2025

Gandhi Institute moves to Chaguanas



The Ma­hat­ma Gand­hi In­sti­tute for Cul­tur­al Co-op­er­a­tion (MG­ICC) has moved its base from Ca­roni to Ch­agua­nas. This de­vel­op­ment was de­scribed by Malay Mishra, the In­di­an High Com­mis­sion­er to T&T as a key move in bring­ing the ben­e­fits of In­di­an cul­ture clos­er to the heart of T&T. Mishra was at the time ad­dress­ing the start of a dance recital fea­tur­ing Rahul Acharya, a renowned Odis­si dancer from In­dia, on Wednes­day night at the in­sti­tute's new head­quar­ters in The Plaza De Mon­trose, Ch­agua­nas. Mishra said cul­tur­al re­la­tions be­tween T&T and In­dia go as far back as 1968 when both coun­tries signed a cul­tur­al agree­ment. He said in 1994 land at Mt Hope was giv­en to the In­di­an Gov­ern­ment for the es­tab­lish­ment of a cul­tur­al cen­tre.

The High Com­mis­sion­er said in 1997 the MG­ICC was es­tab­lished in a bun­ga­low near the Ca­roni (1975) Lim­it­ed rum dis­tillery in Kel­ly Vil­lage. He said for the past 15 years the Ca­roni venue had served well, but the MG­ICC has out­grown the fa­cil­i­ty be­cause of in­creas­ing de­mands from the pop­u­la­tion of T&T to learn more about In­di­an cul­ture. Mishra said the move to Ch­agua­nas would fa­cil­i­tate more train­ing while the Gov­ern­ment of In­dia seeks to com­mence the cen­tre at Mt Hope. He said plans for a per­ma­nent home of the MG­ICC at Mt Hope has been ap­proved and he es­ti­mates that the fa­cil­i­ty would take two years to com­plete.

Mishra said the MG­ICC has al­so es­tab­lished out­reach cen­tres in var­i­ous parts of Trinidad and al­so in To­ba­go and Grena­da. Ch­agua­nas May­or Or­lan­do Nages­sar wel­comed the move by the MG­ICC to set up shop in the bor­ough and of­fer many of its train­ing pro­grammes in mu­sic and dance to burgess­es and the wider com­mu­ni­ty. Nages­sar al­so heaped praise on Mishra for be­ing one of the most proac­tive High Com­mis­sion­ers in T&T, who he said had a gen­uine in­ter­est in as­sist­ing the de­vel­op­ment of T&T. Nages­sar de­scribed Mishra as a diplo­mat who has served the gov­ern­ment of In­dia well.

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