Just as the Ministry of Health had to destroy hundreds of vials of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines after they expired on June 30, it is likely it would do the same for the paediatric version come October this year.
Workers of Republic Bank Tunapuna Branch have scored a victory against their employer, Republic Bank Ltd, over the workers’ refusal to work after a manager tested COVID-19 positive last year, and the company issued warning letters and docked their pay in response.
There was only one new death—a fully vaccinated person—from COVID-19 in Tobago, during the period 17-23 July 2022, according to the second weekly update from the Division of Health, Wellness and Social Protection, in the Tobago House of Assembly (THA). Tobago’s death toll is now 273, as at Saturday 23 July 2022.
Three more people have died from COVID-19, according to the latest advisory from the Ministry of Health. Their deaths have pushed up the national death toll to 4,045 lives lost.
One more people has died from COVID-19, according to the latest advisory from the Ministry of Health. This latest death has pushed up the national death toll to 4,042 lives lost.
No new lives have been lost to COVID-19 today, reports the Ministry of Health in its latest advisory. As such, the national death toll remains at 4,041.
A new COVID-19 vaccination campaign to sensitise parents, caregivers, and adolescents about the benefits of immunization is being developed and will soon be implemented by the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA).
WASHINGTON (AP) — For more than a year, President Joe Biden’s ability to avoid the coronavirus seemed to defy the odds. When he finally did test positive, the White House was ready. It set out to turn the diagnosis into a “teachable moment” and dispel any notion of a crisis.
There were no new deaths from COVID-19 during the period 10-16 July 2022, according to the first weekly update from the Division of Health, Wellness and Social Protection, in the Tobago House of Assembly (THA). Tobago’s death toll is 272, as at Saturday 16 July 2022.
Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley says government will have no hesitation in returning to the mask mandate if the situation with the spread of COVID 19 warrants it, and he is encouraging citizens to continue wearing masks, although the official mandate to wear masks was lifted on Sunday.
The Ministry of Health has recorded 0 additional COVID-related death. The total number of deaths is 4,038. There are currently 102 patients in the hospital. The Ministry has also recorded 43 new cases in the last 24 hours. The total number of active cases is now 6,101.
Two more people have lost their lives to COVID-19, according to the latest advisory from the Ministry of Health. These latest deaths have pushed up the national death toll to 4,038 lives lost.