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Friday, March 21, 2025

1 killed, 2 injured in east PoS gun attack


Mark Bassant
941 days ago

One man is dead and two oth­ers in­jured fol­low­ing a shoot­ing at the Harpe in East Port-of-Spain just be­fore 10 pm on Mon­day.

Ini­tial re­ports in­di­cate that one man iden­ti­fied on­ly as Av­ery was shot dead while two men, one with the alias “Bod­ies” and an­oth­er named Zion were shot in the back.

Cam­era footage emerg­ing on­line show cars speed­ing away from the area while loud ex­plo­sions from high-pow­ered weapons are heard and short­ly, af­ter a man is seen run­ning down the street. A few sec­onds lat­er, a car speeds around a cor­ner near where the cam­era was po­si­tioned and dis­ap­pears.

Po­lice are work­ing on the the­o­ry that the shoot­ing is gang re­lat­ed.

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