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Friday, March 21, 2025

Businessman: Rowley lacks courage


Sharlene Rampersad
1607 days ago
Businessman Peter George Jr.

Businessman Peter George Jr.

While beach­es are open to­day, in­door din­ing at restau­rants and fast food out­lets re­main un­avail­able and some busi­ness own­ers are voic­ing their dis­plea­sure.

  Busi­ness­man Pe­ter George has de­scribed the Prime Min­is­ter’s de­ci­sion to leave re­stric­tions in place for bars and restau­rants as a ‘trav­es­ty.’

George, who is the chief ex­ec­u­tive of­fi­cer of the Trent Restau­rant Group which in­cludes restau­rants like Trot­ters, Bu­zo, Ama­ra and Blue Star Din­er said on Sat­ur­day he will now be forced to close more of his restau­rants and send work­ers home.

“I do not agree with this. Not just from the restau­rant per­spec­tive, be­cause what hap­pens in the next two weeks we do not even know if we can open in two weeks,” George said about the de­ci­sion to keep re­stric­tions in place bar­ring dine-in ser­vices at bars and restau­rants.

“Pub­lic ser­vants, the Prime Min­is­ter, min­is­ters, MPs on both sides of the aisle, sen­a­tors on both sides of the aisle, state board chair­men, state em­ploy­ees, civ­il ser­vants, pub­lic ser­vants have all been paid in full for the last nine months.”

George has ac­cused Prime Min­is­ter Dr Kei­th Row­ley of not hav­ing the courage to make the dif­fi­cult de­ci­sions.

“Our prime min­is­ter has been blown out of the sky by the likes of (Mia) Mot­t­ley, (Allen) Chas­tanet, (An­drew) Hol­ness, even (Bhar­rat) Jagdeo and (Kei­th) Mitchell. We have done noth­ing but throw a cold blan­ket on this be­cause we don’t un­der­stand the prob­lem. None of them have skin in the game.”

George said the en­tire coun­try is now ‘pay­ing the cake’ for Row­ley’s de­ci­sions.

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