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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Faria stays on as Chamber CEO


Renuka Singh
1737 days ago
Gabriel Faria, chief executive officer of the Trinidad and Tobago Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

Gabriel Faria, chief executive officer of the Trinidad and Tobago Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

Gabriel Faria will re­main as Chief Ex­ec­u­tive Of­fi­cer at the T&T Cham­ber of In­dus­try and Com­merce, af­ter apol­o­gis­ing last week for com­ments he made on a What­sApp that were harsh­ly crit­i­cised by the prime min­is­ter.

In a me­dia state­ment yes­ter­day, the cham­ber said the Board of Di­rec­tors met with Faria to “dis­cuss mat­ters re­lat­ed to re­cent news and so­cial me­dia cov­er­age”.

“As a re­sult of the dis­cus­sions, the board has de­ter­mined that Faria will con­tin­ue in his cur­rent po­si­tion as CEO of the TT Cham­ber,” the re­lease said.

Faria’s po­si­tion came un­der ques­tion last Wednes­day evening af­ter Prime Min­is­ter Dr Kei­th Row­ley took to so­cial me­dia to as­sail Faria for the state­ment he (Faria) made on a pri­vate chat.

At the time that Row­ley post­ed the scathing com­ments about Faria, it was un­clear what the Prime Min­is­ter was re­fer­ring to as Faria had not said any­thing in the pub­lic do­main to elic­it such a strong re­sponse from Dr Row­ley.

In that post, Row­ley de­scribed Faria as hav­ing an “acid tongue” and ac­cused Faria of us­ing his po­si­tion to “in­flu­ence vot­ers with his dis­mis­sive shal­low­ness” and of be­ing crit­i­cal of those who of­fered them­selves for pub­lic of­fice while not do­ing that him­self. He al­so ac­cused Faria of try­ing to “suck what he could from the coun­try”.

On Thurs­day, Faria is­sued a pub­lic apol­o­gy and it was on­ly then that he re­vealed what he had said that of­fend­ed the PM.

In a pri­vate What­sApp con­ver­sa­tion with ap­prox­i­mate­ly 130 busi­ness­men, aca­d­e­mics and jour­nal­ists, Faria was crit­i­cal of both po­lit­i­cal par­ties and said that their main goal was to con­tin­ue to keep their par­ties in pow­er and “con­tin­ue to live (sic) high off the backs of hon­est tax­pay­ing cit­i­zens. I am dis­gust­ed with the be­hav­iour/dis­dain/ap­a­thy dis­placed (sic) by both par­ties”.

On Fri­day, Guardian Me­dia re­port­ed that Faria had ten­dered his res­ig­na­tion but that was re­fut­ed by Cham­ber pres­i­dent Reyaz Ahamad.

In yes­ter­day’s me­dia re­lease, the cham­ber said that Faria will “con­tin­ue with his role” as CEO.

“The Board is of the view and Mr. Faria agrees, that he should al­ways be mind­ful of his role and oblig­a­tions as the Chief Ex­ec­u­tive Of­fi­cer of the TT Cham­ber,” it said.

“Over the past three years Mr Faria has helped to build a strong and ef­fec­tive Cham­ber of Com­merce, as a cred­i­ble ad­vo­cate for our mem­bers and the wider busi­ness com­mu­ni­ty,” it said.

The cham­ber said that the board would al­so like to “reaf­firm the role of the T&T Cham­ber, as an ad­vo­ca­cy body com­mit­ted to the high­est stan­dards of en­ter­prise, to pur­sue a col­lab­o­ra­tive and con­struc­tive di­a­logue with the Gov­ern­ment of Trinidad and To­ba­go and the busi­ness sec­tor,” it said.

The cham­ber de­scribed it­self as the “voice of busi­ness” and said that the cham­ber would “con­tin­ue to act as a cham­pi­on of busi­ness and to ad­vo­cate on be­half of the pri­vate sec­tor”.

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