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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Honorary doctorate for Lara


Sampson Nanton
2091 days ago
Former WI captain Brian Lara has been conferred an honorary doctorate by the DY Patil University in India.

Former WI captain Brian Lara has been conferred an honorary doctorate by the DY Patil University in India.

For­mer West In­dies crick­et cap­tain Bri­an Lara has been giv­en an hon­orary doc­tor­ate by the DY Patil Uni­ver­si­ty in In­dia.

Lara, who is in In­dia, made the an­nounce­ment on his In­sta­gram page on Thurs­day morn­ing.

"What an amaz­ing ex­pe­ri­ence vis­it­ing the @dy­patilu­ni­ver­si­ty Cam­pus to­day and meet­ing Dr. Vi­jay D Patil and see­ing his work across sports, ed­u­ca­tion and health­care was phe­nom­e­nal. From the DY Patil Sports Sta­di­um, one of the great sta­dia that I have vis­it­ed and the @dy­patil­sport­sacad­e­my to the vis­it to the @dy­patilu­ni­ver­si­ty Med­ical Sim­u­la­tion Lab was ex­treme­ly fas­ci­nat­ing," Lara stat­ed.

"I am ho­n­oured! An Hon­orary Doc­tor­ate be­stowed on me by the Uni­ver­si­ty. WOW," he added.

Lara, who is pop­u­lar­ly nick­named "The Prince of Port-of-Spain", has been wide­ly ac­knowl­edged as one of the great­est bats­men of all time.

Former WI captain Brian Lara has been conferred an honorary doctorate by the DY Patil University in India.

Former WI captain Brian Lara has been conferred an honorary doctorate by the DY Patil University in India.

He was award­ed Trinidad and To­ba­go's high­est award, the Trin­i­ty Cross (lat­er changed to the Or­der of the Re­pub­lic of Trinidad and To­ba­go) in 2013.

He holds the record for the high­est in­di­vid­ual score in first-class crick­et, with 501 not out for War­wick­shire against Durham at Edg­bas­ton in 1994, and the record for the high­est in­di­vid­ual score in a Test in­nings af­ter scor­ing 400 not out against Eng­land at An­tigua in 2004.

Bri­an Lara was ap­point­ed hon­orary mem­ber of the Or­der of Aus­tralia on 27 No­vem­ber 2009.

On 14 Sep­tem­ber 2012 he was in­duct­ed to the ICC's Hall of Fame at the awards cer­e­mo­ny held in Colom­bo, Sri Lan­ka as a 2012–13 sea­son in­ductee along with Aus­tralians Glenn Mc­Grath and for­mer Eng­land women all-rounder Enid Bakewell.

In 2013, Lara re­ceived Hon­orary Life Mem­ber­ship of the MCC be­com­ing the 31st West In­di­an to re­ceive the hon­or.

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