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Friday, March 21, 2025

Man charged with Ashanti's murder


Peter Christopher
1558 days ago
PH driver  Luciano Quash, 32, has been charged with the murder of Ashanti Riley.

PH driver Luciano Quash, 32, has been charged with the murder of Ashanti Riley.

On the very day Ashan­ti Ri­ley will be laid to rest, a San Juan man is ex­pect­ed to face the court charged with her mur­der Mon­day.

Guardian Me­dia con­firmed homi­cide of­fi­cers charged Lu­ciano Quash, 32, yes­ter­day, af­ter al­most two weeks of in­ves­ti­ga­tions fol­low­ing the 18-year old’s death and dis­ap­pear­ance.

Quash, a PH dri­ver, had been in po­lice cus­tody for al­most two weeks.

Ri­ley went miss­ing on No­vem­ber 29 af­ter she took a PH taxi on Sun­shine Street, San Juan, around the cor­ner from her fam­i­ly home.

She was on her way to her grand­moth­er’s birth­day par­ty, but nev­er made it.

Her nude body was found on De­cem­ber 4 at a wa­ter­course in La Canoa, San­ta Cruz.

An au­top­sy done last Wednes­day con­firmed that the teenag­er death had been caused by sharp force in­juries to the chest and low­er ab­domen as well as blunt force trau­ma to the back of the chest.

These in­juries con­firmed she had been beat­en and stabbed.

Po­lice, how­ev­er, be­lieve that the ac­cused did not act alone, and are still seek­ing oth­er sus­pects in re­la­tion to her mur­der.

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