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Friday, March 21, 2025

MovieTowne crowd raises concerns


Guardian Media
1565 days ago
A shot of the crowd of young people gathered at Movietowne Saturday night.

A shot of the crowd of young people gathered at Movietowne Saturday night.

Videos have emerged of scores of young peo­ple gath­ered at Movi­eTowne, Port-of-Spain, Sat­ur­day evening with­out ad­her­ing to COVID-19 reg­u­la­tions which in­clude the wear­ing of masks and not gath­er­ing in groups of more than 10.

The videos which were post­ed on so­cial me­dia sites showed what is com­mon­ly known as ‘tee­nie-bop­pers’ gath­ered en masse in front of the en­trance to the Movi­eTowne the­atres, many of whom were not wear­ing face masks.

One of the peo­ple who shot a video told Guardian Me­dia that he was shocked by what he called “droves” of mask­less teens milling about.

He said he did not see any po­lice present while he was there.

How­ev­er, Movi­eTowne own­er Derek Chin said the po­lice were there for about three hours last evening and re­port­ed no dis­tur­bances.

He said the peo­ple out­side were en­cour­aged to keep mov­ing. He stressed that all COVID-19 pro­to­cols were strict­ly ad­hered-to in­side all of the busi­ness­es on the com­pound.

Un­der the cur­rent­ly COVID-19 reg­u­la­tions, peo­ple are not al­lowed to gath­er in groups of more than 10 and must wear masks while in pub­lic.

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