The Member of Parliament of Barataria / San Juan Saddam Hosein extends condolences on the passing of Haji Yacoob Ali. The following is a press release from the MP.
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un- “Verily we belong to Allah and verily to Him do wereturn.”
Haji Yacoob Ali has created history as the longest serving President General of the Anjuman Sunnat-ul-Jamaat Association (ASJA) of Trinidad and Tobago.
ASJA remains one of largest and influential Islamic organisation in Trinidad and Tobago. ASJA, under the leadership of President General Ali has managed many masjids and schools from early childhood care, primary and secondary level.
He has further advanced the institutional development of the Association through advocacy and a strong presence in the Muslim community, significantly shaping our greater national landscape.
He has played an integral role in the educational sector of our country of which I am a proud alumni of the ASJA Boys’ College, Charlieville.
Perhaps one of the most fundamental aspects of Haji Ali’s life was the motto which he espoused, that “Success in life is not what we have but how much we are prepared to give”. It is a life motto which is certainly appropriate now more than ever, as our nation and world continue to grapple with the economic and social hardships brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Haji Ali, as he is fondly called “PG” by many, leaves a legacy as an educator, religious leader and businessman. He was always a dedicated worker and in his last days PG died with his proverbial boots on.
May his life serve as a model which we can all emulate.