The National Council of Indian Culture (NCIC) has written to Police Commissioner Erla Harewood-Christopher, urging an investigation into a viral video showing a man delivering inflammatory remarks against Hinduism at the Divali Nagar compound in Chaguanas on December 31.
The man, claiming to be Rastafarian, is also alleged to have made similar tirades outside mosques and other places of worship in recent days.
Prominent Rastafarian leader Glenroy “Bongo Grease” Halls, last week strongly condemned such behaviour, saying it was entirely contrary to the philosophy of Rastafari.
Halls emphasised, “Rastafari has nothing to do with such conduct. Our philosophy has always been one of peace, love, and respect for all humanity.”
The incident has sparked outrage among political and religious leaders.
Chaguanas West MP and attorney Dinesh Rambally described the remarks made at the Divali Nagar site as deeply offensive and a violation of the law.
“The Hindu community must not tolerate insults against their gods,” Rambally stated.
“These verbal attacks are not harmless—they are intended as insults and must be treated as such. I advise the Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha (SDMS) and the NCIC to file a police report and consider private prosecution.” The SDMS has also issued a strong statement condemning the video, calling for immediate police action. It described the remarks as deeply derogatory and warned of their potential to incite division and hostility. The SDMS also reminded authorities of prior incidents of vandalism against Hindu temples and other places of worship that remain unresolved.
Both the NCIC and SDMS have called on the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) to thoroughly investigate the matter and ensure the individual is held accountable for promoting hate speech. The organisations urged citizens to remain vigilant and report any instances of religious hatred or discrimination, underscoring the importance of preserving T&T’s multicultural and interfaith harmony.
The T&TPS is yet to say whether or not an investigation will be launched.