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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Oil spill seen in Cedros


1114 days ago
Sections of beach damaged by the latest suspected oil spill reported by Cedros Councillor, Shankar Teelucksingh. (Image courtesy Tony Bedassie)

Sections of beach damaged by the latest suspected oil spill reported by Cedros Councillor, Shankar Teelucksingh. (Image courtesy Tony Bedassie)



Crude oil de­posits have been wash­ing ashore in an area known as Red Brick in Ce­dros over the past few days, and Ce­dros Coun­cil­lor, Shankar Teelucks­ingh, says he is con­cerned about the ad­verse im­pact it would have on ma­rine life and peo­ple’s liveli­hoods.

Coun­cil­lor Teelucks­ingh told Guardian Me­dia that be­tween Thurs­day 3rd and Fri­day 4th March 2022, crab catch­ers and fish­er­men no­ticed some residue of oil, to­geth­er with can­sorb—a chem­i­cal used in the clean-up of oil spills—on­shore be­tween Granville beach and St Ann’s Bay, stretch­ing for about a half mile.  He said the beach­es are in a re­mote area with no road ac­cess.

Teelucks­ingh said the fish­er­folk con­tact­ed him and he im­me­di­ate­ly gave the in­for­ma­tion to Her­itage Pe­tro­le­um Com­pa­ny Ltd for the com­pa­ny to ini­ti­ate clean-up op­er­a­tions and pin­point the source of the oil.  He said Her­itage dis­patched an in­ves­ti­ga­tion team and a sam­ple was tak­en for fin­ger­print­ing to pin­point the source, as there were no re­port­ed leaks in the com­pa­ny’s fields.

“A con­trac­tor was no­ti­fied to do the clean-up op­er­a­tions. How­ev­er, we haven’t seen that clean-up op­er­a­tion com­mence yet, so that crude oil, I think, is be­ing cir­cu­lat­ed with­in that area where there is a lot of shell­fish and oth­er ma­rine life re­side in what we call the Red Point,” he ex­plained.

“There is a reef run­ning out in that area. A lot of peo­ple who catch crabs and conch and so on, make that liv­ing on a dai­ly ba­sis. We don’t know the ef­fects of what it will do to the ma­rine life. That is some­thing we con­tin­ue to suf­fer from the oil com­pa­nies with­in the past and up to now,” he said.

How­ev­er, he ex­pressed con­cern with the re­sponse time from the oil com­pa­ny and the Min­istry of En­er­gy, de­scrib­ing it as “alarm­ing”.

Teelucks­ingh said Her­itage has in­di­cat­ed that if the oil does not be­long to them then it falls un­der the re­spon­si­bil­i­ty of the Min­istry.

“Since they closed Petrotrin what we con­tin­ue to see is when these oil spills oc­cur, some­times it is not re­port­ed and some­times there is no re­sponse to the ur­gency of clean­ing up the en­vi­ron­ment and try­ing to make back the en­vi­ron­ment user friend­ly for the peo­ple who use it on a dai­ly ba­sis,” he said.

For­mer Petrotrin work­er, Tony Be­dassie, told Guardian Me­dia the spill is about a mile away from the main Granville beach. Be­dassie, who fre­quents that area to catch crab and conchs for recre­ation, said:

"It was ter­ri­ble day be­fore yes­ter­day, and I ask a guy who went down yes­ter­day, and he said the tar was on the shore and the tide took it back out.  So, the tide would have de­posit­ed it some­where else so it may go low­er down the coast."  

Ac­cord­ing to Be­dassie, a lot of vil­lagers fish, catch crab and conch in that are, but since the oil de­posits sur­faced there has been an ab­sence of ma­rine life.

"This area is lit­tered with tar—black fine stuff all over—and that will cause de­struc­tion to shell­fish and oth­er ma­rine life. You not even catch­ing a fish," he com­plained.

Guardian Me­dia reached out to Her­itage and is await­ing a re­sponse.


This is a de­vel­op­ing sto­ry and Guardian Me­dia will up­date it as de­tails be­come avail­able.

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