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Friday, March 21, 2025

Teen drowns at Blue Basin waterfall


Peter Christopher
1732 days ago
The Blue Basin waterfall

The Blue Basin waterfall

Tragedy marred the re­open­ing of wa­ter­cours­es to the pub­lic yes­ter­day, af­ter a San Juan teen died af­ter a dive gone wrong at the Blue Basin Wa­ter­fall.

An­ton Camp­bell, 17, of Ramjit Road, San Juan, went with his fam­i­ly to the Diego Mar­tin wa­ter­fall.

How­ev­er, at around 10.30 am, he at­tempt­ed to dive in­to a pool when he slipped and ap­peared to hit his head be­fore falling in­to the wa­ter.

His rel­a­tives pulled him from the wa­ter, but he con­tin­ued to be un­re­spon­sive.

An am­bu­lance was called and Camp­bell was tak­en to hos­pi­tal where he was pro­nounced dead.

Camp­bell was the third drown­ing vic­tim in the last four days.

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