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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Two cops charged with corruption


953 days ago
PC Adrian Ward and WPC Cheryl Gibson are charged with misbehaviour in public office.

PC Adrian Ward and WPC Cheryl Gibson are charged with misbehaviour in public office.


Two po­lice of­fi­cers were charged with sev­er­al of­fences, in­clud­ing mis­be­hav­iour in pub­lic of­fice, over the week­end.

Ac­cord­ing to a state­ment from the TTPS, PC Adri­an Ward, 33, was grant­ed bail with sure­ty in the sum of $500,000 by Jus­tice of the Peace Abra­ham Ali fol­low­ing his ar­rest last week; while WPC Cheryl Gib­son was sched­uled to ap­pear be­fore a Port-of-Spain mag­is­trate yes­ter­day.

Ward was last as­signed to the West­ern Di­vi­sion, while Gib­son last worked out of the Port-of-Spain Di­vi­sion.

They were ar­rest­ed and charged fol­low­ing in­struc­tions from the Di­rec­tor of Pub­lic Pros­e­cu­tions Roger Gas­pard, SC, on Au­gust 13.

The TTPS said Ward and Gib­son were joint­ly charged with four counts of mis­be­hav­iour in pub­lic of­fice, in­clud­ing cor­rupt­ly re­ceiv­ing an il­le­gal firearm; cor­rupt­ly re­ceiv­ing 15 rounds of am­mu­ni­tion; cor­rupt­ly so­lic­it­ing the sum of $30,000 and cor­rupt­ly re­ceiv­ing the sum of $30,000.

Ward was al­so charged with one count of mon­ey laun­der­ing, while Gib­son was charged with two counts of mon­ey laun­der­ing.

The TTPS said a male vic­tim re­port­ed to of­fi­cers that on Au­gust 8, he was at his work­place in Port-of-Spain, when three uni­formed po­lice of­fi­cers, com­pris­ing one fe­male and two males, en­tered and con­duct­ed a search of the premis­es.

It was al­leged they found an il­le­gal pis­tol loaded with a mag­a­zine con­tain­ing 15 rounds of am­mu­ni­tion in the man’s pos­ses­sion.

The vic­tim claimed one of the male of­fi­cers took pos­ses­sion of the firearm and then re­port­ed­ly de­mand­ed the sum of $30,000 from him to forego charg­ing him.

The vic­tim said he paid the of­fi­cer, fol­low­ing which the male of­fi­cer hand­ed the firearm and mon­ey over to the fe­male of­fi­cer.

The vic­tim lat­er made a re­port to the Pro­fes­sion­al Stan­dards Bu­reau (PSB) about the in­ci­dent.

The in­ves­ti­ga­tion was spear­head­ed by Snr Supt Suzette Mar­tin and su­per­vised by Supt Mon­trichard and ASP Birch.

Ward and Gib­son were ar­rest­ed on Au­gust 9 but were on­ly charged by PC Bradley Mar­cellin on Sun­day (Au­gust 14).

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