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Friday, March 21, 2025

Vasant wants transparent UNC internal election


1593 days ago
UNC political leader candidate Vasant Bharath at yesterday's news conference.

UNC political leader candidate Vasant Bharath at yesterday's news conference.

For­mer Unit­ed Na­tion­al Con­gress (UNC) Min­is­ter, Vas­ant Bharath is once again call­ing on the par­ty’s in­cum­bent leader to en­sure that the par­ty’s in­ter­nal elec­tions are con­duct­ed fair­ly.

Dur­ing a news con­fer­ence at his San Juan of­fice yes­ter­day, Bharath, who is chal­leng­ing in­cum­bent Kam­la Per­sad-Bisses­sar for the lead­er­ship role in the De­cem­ber 6 elec­tion, said the voice of the par­ty’s mem­ber­ship is be­ing sup­pressed by Per­sad-Bisses­sar’s ad­min­is­tra­tion.

“Un­fair elec­tions serve no one ex­cept dic­ta­tors, and those who are ad­dict­ed to a po­si­tion de­spite not achiev­ing any tan­gi­ble re­sults while hold­ing that po­si­tion,” Bharath said.

He said there seemed to be a mis­con­cep­tion by Per­sad-Bisses­sar as he said the in­ter­nal elec­tion is not about the lead­er­ship but about the par­ty’s or­di­nary mem­bers.

He said as a con­tender in this elec­tion, he felt it was his du­ty to pre­serve a fair process.

Bharath said his re­cent re­quests to Per­sad-Bisses­sar for a meet­ing to de­cide on the mem­bers of an elec­tion com­mit­tee were ig­nored.

“The cur­rent UNC lead­er­ship, in re­sponse to what all right-think­ing mem­bers would agree is a rea­son­able re­quest, in­stead of hav­ing those con­sul­ta­tions with us, has hur­ried­ly and with­out no­tice ap­point­ed an elec­tion com­mit­tee on its own and then has told me to take my con­cerns to that com­mit­tee. In oth­er words, they have done is to ap­point a judge in their own cause. That vi­o­lates all prin­ci­ples of fair­ness and I say re­spect­ful­ly that a Se­nior Coun­sel should know bet­ter,” Bharath said.

He said this move was an in­sult to the par­ty and its mem­bers and slammed Per­sad-Bisses­sar for ques­tion­ing the coun­try’s na­tion­al elec­tion process.

“They use ar­gu­ments of elec­tion un­fair­ness when it suits them to fool sup­port­ers in­to think­ing that they were cheat­ed but the re­al­i­ty is that they have no in­ter­est in fos­ter­ing a cul­ture of elec­toral in­tegri­ty.”

Bharath said he has been told by mem­bers that al­though they will vote for him, they do not be­lieve he will win. He said those mem­bers were con­cerned be­cause Per­sad-Bisses­sar has ‘con­trol’ of the par­ty’s list of mem­bers.

“Those state­ments rep­re­sent fear and anx­i­ety among our mem­ber­ship that things can­not change be­cause those who are in pow­er may have abused their po­si­tions. As a mem­ber­ship, we in the UNC must re­ject that and be brave and coura­geous de­spite the odds. I wish to tell those mem­bers who have sim­i­lar con­cerns: do not be afraid, come out and vote, vote to ex­press your dis­con­tent with the par­ty,” he said.

He urged his sup­port­ers with­in the par­ty not to feel pow­er­less or weak as he ac­cused Per­sad-Bisses­sar of try­ing to sup­press change with­in the UNC.

“Their on­ly tac­tic is to sup­press dis­cus­sion. Their on­ly tac­tic is to sup­press dis­sent. For in­stance, there is a wide­spread call for a lead­er­ship de­bate in our par­ty. The UNC has the chance to demon­strate ma­ture democ­ra­cy through the hold­ing of a lead­er­ship de­bate, but the cur­rent lead­er­ship has said noth­ing and will prob­a­bly not say any­thing about a de­bate.”

Bharath said in ad­di­tion to his oth­er con­cerns, he now does not know who is the par­ty’s Gen­er­al Sec­re­tary as Dave Tan­coo has in­di­cat­ed he no longer holds that po­si­tion since he was ap­point­ed as a Mem­ber of Par­lia­ment.

But Bharath said the func­tions of the Gen­er­al Sec­re­tary were still be­ing car­ried out.

“In­for­ma­tion has come to us that hun­dreds of ap­pli­ca­tions for mem­ber­ship have been ap­proved re­cent­ly. So, the ques­tion is, who is ap­prov­ing these ap­pli­ca­tions? Who is ap­prov­ing these new mem­bers? There seems to be in­sti­tu­tion­al chaos in the UNC. I call on the UNC to state pub­licly who is the cur­rent Gen­er­al Sec­re­tary of the par­ty?”

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