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Friday, March 21, 2025

Top Shooterz call shots on top team in NPL


Sport Desk
21 days ago
Top Shooterz Krew members Rakesh Boodai, from left, Rennie Bhagan, Edge Ramoutar, Aamir Balkaran, Kevin Mahabir (captain), Ahmad Shageer and Antonio Boodoo.

Top Shooterz Krew members Rakesh Boodai, from left, Rennie Bhagan, Edge Ramoutar, Aamir Balkaran, Kevin Mahabir (captain), Ahmad Shageer and Antonio Boodoo.

Sports can some­times be a great equalis­er. Based on da­ta, one might be able to pre­dict an out­come, but on the night, some­thing to­tal­ly dif­fer­ent can hap­pen.

This was the case in the Na­tion­al Pool League (NPL) on Tues­day (Feb­ru­ary 25) night.

The Top Shooterz Krew, who were 12th on the 14-team NPL ta­ble, were host­ing ta­ble top­pers Rox­bury Shot Callers. Not many would have giv­en the ‘Top Shooterz’ much of a chance against a ‘Shot Callers’ team in the midst of a sev­en-match win­ning streak.

Top Shooterz cap­tain, Kevin Ma­habir, was drawn to open the in­nings against the wily vet­er­an Akash “Knuck­les” Poon. Ma­habir got off to a quick start, win­ning the first two frames. Poon bounced back to lev­el the game at two apiece. But Ma­habir, who was in­tent on get­ting his team off to a win­ning start, se­cured the next two frames for a sur­prise 4-2 win. Roger Stew­art evened things up for the Rox­bury team with a con­vinc­ing 4-1 win against Aamir Balka­ran.

Stew­art did well to come back from a first-frame loss to reg­is­ter four wins on the bounce, the last of which was a com­bi­na­tion tack­le on the nine-ball. The dou­bles en­counter was next and again, it was a David and Go­liath type en­counter be­tween Edge Ra­moutar and Ah­mad Shageer of the ‘Krew’ and Ken­rick “Mon­ty” Roop­nar­ine and Rox­bury cap­tain Raj “El Cap­i­tan” Per­sad.

The teams split the first two racks be­fore the hosts won two in a row with a break and run in the fourth frame. The Rox­bury duo stole the fifth but the home pair of Ra­moutar and Shageer seemed to want it more and sealed the vic­to­ry in the sixth frame. An­to­nio Boodoo would se­cure the match for the hosts with a 4-2 win against a very steady play­er in Bri­an Bis­nath.

It was a tru­ly in­tense see-saw af­fair with Boodoo win­ning the first (tack­le), third, fifth and sev­enth frames. Bis­nath had a tack­le of his own in the fourth rack. The fi­nal game of the night be­tween Ren­nie Bha­gan and Jonathan Gor­ing, though aca­d­e­m­ic, was al­so an in­tense en­counter which went the full dis­tance.

Gor­ing, who is one of the younger play­ers on the cir­cuit, start­ed with a com­bi­na­tion shot on the nine-ball to take an ear­ly lead. He al­so won the sec­ond frame be­fore Bha­gan hit back with a tack­le and a win in the third and fourth frames. Gor­ing scored an­oth­er tack­le in the fifth rack and lost the sixth be­fore win­ning the hill/hill en­counter 4-3. With the win, the Top Shooterz Krew moved up one spot to eleventh on the stand­ings with five wins and eight loss­es. Rox­bury, de­spite the loss, main­tains their hold on the top spot with 11 wins and two loss­es.

Sicar­ios, who al­so have 11 wins from 13 match­es, re­main in sec­ond spot, one game be­hind the Shot Callers. Sicar­ios paid a vis­it to the Pyra­mid Sports Bar in Gas­par­il­lo to take on the Unit­ed Stars and came away with a close 3-2 win. The vis­i­tors start­ed well with Sachin Ram­nar­ine win­ning his game against Rus­tan Alexan­der 4-2.

The ta­bles turned in the sec­ond game when Clay­ton Ja­goo, the Unit­ed Stars skip­per, beat An­dre Creece by a sim­i­lar 4-2 mar­gin. The dou­bles en­counter al­so went the way of the hosts with Lin­coln Thomas and Vishal Ram­lo­gan tak­ing care of Clint Mara­jh and Mikkel Govia in im­pres­sive fash­ion 4-nil.

The Sicar­ios cap­tain, John East­man, en­sured that the vis­i­tors stayed in con­tention by beat­ing Mer­cil Sam­my 4-1. The fix­ture came down to a de­cider be­tween Al­lan Lawrence of Sicar­ios and Stars’ Ameer Mo­hammed. Mo­hammed looked the bet­ter play­er in the ear­ly go­ing, win­ning two frames on the trot.

Lawrence, who was go­ing in­to the match with a per­fect record of nine wins from nine match­es, pulled a frame back in the third but went fur­ther be­hind when Mo­hammed reached the hill first at 3-1. Lawrence was not pre­pared to see his record blem­ished and roared back to win the next three racks. Unit­ed Stars, de­spite the loss, re­main in fifth spot with a record of eight wins and five loss­es.

In oth­er first di­vi­sion match­es: Pan­thers de­feat­ed Ago­ra Stingers 4-1 for their sec­ond win in a row; Pock­et Preda­tors beat Nu­bian Kings 3-2; Crazy 8’s topped Shoot­ing Stars 4-1; JJ Shoot­ers edged Ken­ny’s 3-2; Lucky Sports up­staged Dekko All Stars 3-2.

In oth­er pool news: The Bil­liards Sports Or­gan­i­sa­tion of T&T (BSOTT) host­ed its first month­ly tour­na­ment for 2025, apt­ly named the Car­ni­val Crack­shot, last Sun­day and for the sec­ond BSOTT tour­na­ment in a row the fi­nal­ists were Sham Jagerssar and Aaron Raghoo­nanan. Jagerssar, as he did in the re­cent Mas­ters Cup, came out on top by a score of 5-2.

The Mas­ters Cup cham­pi­on, on reach­ing the Last 32, had im­pres­sive 5-nil wins against Kaz­im Ali and Adri­an Ba­j­nath, a 5-1 re­sult against Ku­mar Singh, and he then beat Michael Lochan 5-3 be­fore the cham­pi­onship match against Raghoo­nanan. Both Jagerssar and Raghoo­nanan will join sev­en oth­er play­ers who will trav­el to Bonaire for the Dutch Caribbean nine-ball cham­pi­onship in April. Raghoo­nanan is the de­fend­ing Dutch Caribbean cham­pi­on and is the first play­er from the Eng­lish-speak­ing Caribbean to win the tour­na­ment.

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