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Thursday, March 27, 2025

Aviation executive: Regional airlines cannot remain grounded for much longer


Kyron Regis
1744 days ago
Caribbean Airlines airplanes parked at Piarco International Airport.

Caribbean Airlines airplanes parked at Piarco International Airport.



As he is­sued an ur­gent call to gov­ern­ments in Latin Amer­i­ca and the Caribbean to help the avi­a­tion sec­tor, the Vice Pres­i­dent of the In­ter­na­tion­al Air Trans­port As­so­ci­a­tion (IA­TA), ar­gued that re­gion­al cit­i­zens must learn to live with the nov­el coro­n­avirus.

In a re­gion­al con­fer­ence call Pe­ter Cerdá said: “While we un­der­stand the mea­sures that gov­ern­ments have tak­en to pro­tect their cit­i­zens dur­ing this pub­lic health cri­sis, we need to learn to live with COVID-19. We will need to co-ex­ist with the virus un­til a vac­cine is made avail­able.”

Dur­ing the con­fer­ence call, Cerdá called on the gov­ern­ments in the re­gion to pro­vide the re­quest­ed fi­nan­cial sup­port to the air­lines —now. He said: “The word ‘now’ is so ur­gent.”

Ac­cord­ing to Cerdá, the in­dus­try is op­er­at­ing on life sup­port, but it can­not go on in the same man­ner for much longer.

Air­lines in the re­gion sus­pend­ed op­er­a­tions since late March. The IA­TA VP not­ed they can­not af­ford to re­main ground­ed for an ad­di­tion­al month or two. If this hap­pens, he ex­plained that the ground­ing could be—per­ma­nent.

IA­TA re­cent­ly re­leased its fi­nan­cial out­look for the glob­al air trans­port in­dus­try show­ing that air­lines are ex­pect­ed to lose US $84.3 bil­lion in 2020 for a net prof­it mar­gin of—20.1 per cent. The or­gan­i­sa­tion al­so re­vealed that rev­enues will fall by 50 per cent to US $419 bil­lion from US $838 bil­lion in 2019.

It added that in 2021, loss­es are ex­pect­ed to drop to US $15.8 bil­lion as rev­enues rise to US $598 bil­lion.

IA­TA al­so as­sert­ed that Latin Amer­i­can and Caribbean gov­ern­ments re­main the least sup­port­ive of avi­a­tion, not­ing it is an in­dus­try that pri­or to COVID-19 con­tributed US$167 bil­lion to their GDPs and sup­port­ed 7.2 mil­lion jobs through­out the re­gion.

The or­gan­i­sa­tion’s fore­casts cur­rent­ly show a drop of at least US$77 bil­lion in air trans­port’s con­tri­bu­tion to GDP, with more than 3.5 mil­lion jobs at risk.

Mean­while, Cerdá said: “This is our last chance to sur­vive this cri­sis. Time is against us and every day that goes by places more agony on an in­dus­try that is seek­ing clar­i­ty on time­lines to restart op­er­a­tions. No sec­tor has the liq­uid­i­ty to stay afloat dur­ing a four—or five-month stand­still.”

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