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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

bmobile offers customers massive increase in free data


Kyron Regis
1736 days ago
A BMobile outlet at the Government Campus Car Park in Port-of-Spain.

A BMobile outlet at the Government Campus Car Park in Port-of-Spain.

Roberto Codallo

bmo­bile has an­nounced an up­grade for its cus­tomers and has in­vit­ed mo­bile phone own­ers who are not part of its net­work to try it for thir­ty days for free.

In a re­lease TSTT’s Gen­er­al Man­ag­er Wire­less So­lu­tions, Bri­an Collins, said, “We have full con­fi­dence in our net­work and the ser­vice we pro­vide. If you ac­cept our in­vi­ta­tion to try our net­work for free, and you’re not sat­is­fied af­ter 30 days, you can leave freely. We are not hold­ing any­one hostage for 180 days.”

Collins not­ed that bmo­bile is giv­ing up its 6-month lay­er that was put in place to pro­tect op­er­a­tors be­cause it wants to give cus­tomers more free­dom and flex­i­bil­i­ty.

He went on to af­firm that there is no con­tract and there are no ques­tions asked, if some­one choos­es to leave af­ter the 30-day tri­al pe­ri­od, in­di­cat­ing that those who ac­cept the in­vi­ta­tion have noth­ing to lose.

The up­grade ap­plies to all of the com­pa­ny’s mo­bile plans and cus­tomers will be­gin to re­ceive im­proved phone pack­ages along with ad­di­tion­al ben­e­fits and fea­tures from June 24th 2020 at no added cost. The new plans in­clude sig­nif­i­cant­ly in­creased da­ta al­lowances and en­hanced fea­tures that every­one on the bmo­bile net­work would be­gin to en­joy with­in the next 30 days.

The bmo­bile ini­tia­tive would af­fect all pre­paid and post­paid plans and has been in­spired by cus­tomer feed­back and months of re­search.

Ac­cord­ing to Collins bmo­bile is the on­ly op­er­a­tor to of­fer un­lim­it­ed 4G LTE da­ta across all of its pack­ages. He al­so said that in bmo­bile’s sev­en 4G LTE un­lim­it­ed da­ta prod­ucts, cus­tomers will see their da­ta lim­it in­crease to a min­i­mum of 20 GB, which is a 600 per cent in­crease.

Along with in­creas­ing the min­i­mum da­ta lim­it and of­fer­ing free What­sApp and Face­book mes­sag­ing and free roam­ing da­ta, bmo­bile has al­so in­clud­ed the ex­pan­sion of ‘Any­where’ min­utes to in­clude all Zone one coun­tries and ter­ri­to­ries (cus­tomers can call the US, UK, Cana­da, Chi­na, Hong Kong and In­dia with these min­utes) and the ze­ro rat­ed ac­cess to all three dai­ly news­pa­pers as well as BBC and CNN.

With bmo­bile’s sys­tem wide up­grade, all mo­bile cus­tomers would see their da­ta lim­it in­crease to a min­i­mum of 20 GB – which means that in ad­di­tion to the oth­er en­hance­ments, a cus­tomer with a $199 month­ly plan would now re­ceive 20 GB of da­ta in­stead of 3 GB, for the same price.

Collins re­it­er­at­ed that this ini­tia­tive is not a pro­mo­tion but rather the prod­uct of months of work.

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