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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Alleged bandit killed and dumped by suspects in Penal


Kevon Felmine
1714 days ago

Two peo­ple were de­tained af­ter killing an al­leged ban­dit and dump­ing his body in some bush­es in Pe­nal yes­ter­day.Po­lice were on the scene up to last evening pro­cess­ing the area where they found 35-year-old De­on Chat­ter­goon.Ac­cord­ing to a re­port, the main 19-year-old sus­pect was at his home along Clarke Road around 10.30 am when he heard a noise at his un­cle’s place next door.

On check­ing, he saw Chat­ter­goon, al­so of Clarke Road, armed with a knife and at­tempt­ing to break in­to the house. The sus­pect then stabbed Chat­ter­goon sev­er­al times un­til he fell to the floor.

Sus­pect­ing that Chat­ter­goon was dead, the sus­pect and a rel­a­tive took the body to Bou­caud Road, off Pla­tan­ite Trace, Bar­rack­pore and dumped it. It was al­leged that they al­so re­turned to the house and cleaned the blood spill.
How­ev­er, a rel­a­tive re­port­ed the killing to the Pe­nal Po­lice Sta­tion. Sgt Vic­tor and a team of of­fi­cers from the Bar­rack­pore Po­lice Sta­tion went to the scene and con­firmed that the body was dumped there. They lat­er ar­rest­ed the two sus­pects. In­ves­ti­ga­tors were told that Chat­ter­goon was a thief in the area.


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