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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Daughter of RBL worker is COVID case 141


Rishard Khan
1706 days ago
Republic Bank’s West Mall branch was closed for sanitisation yesterday after the daughter of one of its employees tested positive for COVID-19.

Republic Bank’s West Mall branch was closed for sanitisation yesterday after the daughter of one of its employees tested positive for COVID-19.

Peter Christopher

Rishard Khan

The clock is tick­ing for the Min­istry of Health af­ter fears over the lo­cal trans­mis­sion of COVID-19 con­tin­ued to grow yes­ter­day, fol­low­ing the an­nounce­ment that Re­pub­lic Bank’s West Mall branch was forced to close be­cause the daugh­ter of an em­ploy­ee was the lat­est per­son to con­tract the virus in T&T.

The child was pa­tient 141 and is feared to have con­tract­ed it lo­cal­ly, just as was the case with pa­tient 139. The min­istry is now do­ing con­tact trac­ing on the two fe­male pa­tients so that they can test the per­sons they may have come in­to con­tact with be­fore learn­ing they had the virus.

Speak­ing dur­ing the min­istry’s vir­tu­al press con­fer­ence yes­ter­day, Min­is­ter of Health Ter­rence Deyals­ingh de­scribed the sit­u­a­tion as “con­cern­ing” but as­sured it was not “cause for pan­ic”.

“What we are do­ing now is be­hav­ing as if there is a re­al pos­si­bil­i­ty that these cas­es are linked to oth­er cas­es,” Chief Med­ical Of­fi­cer Dr Roshan Paras­ram said, cau­tious not to make any con­clu­sion on their clas­si­fi­ca­tion of the virus’ spread in the coun­try.

Paras­ram said he would await the re­sults of the con­tact trac­ing in­ves­ti­ga­tions on the two cas­es.

“At this stage, we are deal­ing with lo­cal cas­es un­til proven oth­er­wise, as we have done for case 116, 117 just be­fore we be­gan to have a host of im­port­ed cas­es. So we are treat­ing it as a lo­cal case un­til proven oth­er­wise - mean­ing un­til we can find an ex­ter­nal link,” he said.

The CMO said most of the pri­ma­ry con­tacts of pa­tient 139 had been swabbed and test­ed. Pa­tient 139 is a 63-year-old woman who was ill for over a week and did not self-iso­late and went out in­to pub­lic.

He said they had al­ready re­ceived the ini­tial re­sults on mem­bers of her house­hold.

“Out of the eight peo­ple we have all neg­a­tives...those peo­ple would now be fol­lowed up for an ad­di­tion­al 14 days from the time the in­di­vid­ual who was pos­i­tive was re­moved from the home. They would now be un­der strict home quar­an­tine be­ing mon­i­tored by both the CMOH as well as the TTPS for the next 14 days to en­sure that we fol­low them up for the full time and if symp­toms de­vel­op, they would be swabbed at that time again,” Paras­ram said.

He al­so said of pa­tient 139’s eight pri­ma­ry con­tacts, three left for To­ba­go on Mon­day be­fore the in­fec­tion was de­tect­ed. They have since been test­ed and quar­an­tined in To­ba­go. Out of the nine cowork­ers of pa­tient 139, Paras­ram said sev­en had been con­tact­ed and swabbed to date. He an­tic­i­pat­ed the re­main­ing two would have been con­tact­ed yes­ter­day.

Deyals­ingh said sur­veil­lance footage from the Re­pub­lic branch showed the moth­er and daugh­ter close­ly in­ter­act­ing with some 11 em­ploy­ees. The em­ploy­ees were con­tact­ed and swabbed, he said, adding the branch was al­so closed for two days for sani­ti­sa­tion.

“We have got­ten some neg­a­tive re­sults. So the pri­ma­ry con­tacts, be­ing par­ents etc, we’ve got­ten the re­sults for some of them which are lat­er yes­ter­day (Wednes­day evening),” he said.

“There are few­er house­holds in­volved in this case than the oth­er case (pa­tient 139) so it’s a small­er group of peo­ple in terms of ex­po­sure.”

De­spite the lat­est de­vel­op­ments, the min­istry is con­fi­dent in the mea­sures im­ple­ment­ed thus far to pro­tect the pop­u­la­tion.

Asked if the de­vel­op­ment raised any con­cerns for stu­dents who were back at school and can­di­dates cam­paign­ing for the up­com­ing Gen­er­al Elec­tion, both Deyals­ingh and Paras­ram re­ferred to the es­tab­lished guide­lines for both groups.

See Ed­i­to­r­i­al on page 12


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