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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Families in anger as graves disturbed at Roodal Cemetery


1240 days ago


It’s sup­posed to be a place of rest for the dead but at the Roodal Ceme­tery be­came a place of un­rest when sev­er­al graves were des­e­crat­ed by a con­trac­tor work­ing on the San Fer­nan­do Wa­ter­front project.

Some of the rel­a­tives, who had deeds to ceme­tery plots, said they were aghast when they came to the ceme­tery and saw a huge mound of dirt on the pe­riph­ery of the ceme­tery, cov­er­ing over sev­er­al graves.

Philomon Stone Bas­sant said she want­ed the San Fer­nan­do City Cor­po­ra­tion to ex­hume her moth­er’s re­mains and place them on an­oth­er spot on the top of the hill.

“This is an abom­i­na­tion. Since this con­struc­tion start since March, these peo­ple have me un­der se­ri­ous stress,” Bas­sant said.

She added, “I want City Hall or who­ev­er is in charge of this to ex­hume my moth­er’s cas­ket and put it in a safe place on top of the hill.

How could you have a drain on top of my moth­er’s grave. How can you do that. That is to­tal dis­re­spect, un­ac­cept­able and un­for­giv­able,” she said.

She said she usu­al­ly paid reg­u­lar vis­its to the ceme­tery so she could speak to her dead moth­er.

“My moth­er was Sylvia Ja­groop and I am al­ways here to at­tend to my moth­er’s grave. I come here be­cause it is im­por­tant to me. I say some lov­ing words to her. This is where her body was placed.”

Bas­sant said ear­li­er this week she saw mul­ti­ple graves cov­ered over. She then com­plained to the cor­po­ra­tion and the con­trac­tor start­ed mov­ing the dirt. By then sev­er­al graves and tomb­stones had been scraped out and piled in a heap near some sprawl­ing palm trees.

Kwen­cyd Sookram, who came to the ceme­tery to pay his re­spects, said he could not find his par­ent’s grave.

“I feel sad and sick­ened by this. You know what it is like to come here and look and can’t find your par­ents grave? It hurt me to know this hap­pened. They have no con­sid­er­a­tion and no re­spect for peo­ple,” he said.

He ex­plained that his moth­er Veron­i­ca Sookram died five years ago and John­ny Sookram, his fa­ther died two years ago at the age of 92. They were mar­ried for 65 years.

“They lived a long life and now they can­not rest,” he said.

An­oth­er rel­a­tive, Camille Sookram said she was dis­turbed that the graves were des­e­crat­ed.

“They have no con­sid­er­a­tion for peo­ple fam­i­ly. This is very painful. Imag­ine com­ing to see your loved ones and you can’t find them. I don’t know if these peo­ple un­der­stand, if this was their moth­er, fa­ther, sis­ter or broth­er. This is not easy to deal wit. We come here to get peace and now when we come we don’t know if the spot is theirs.”

Of­fi­cials from the San Fer­nan­do City Cor­po­ra­tion sent a team to re-mark the plots.

Sookram was then shown the area where her par­ents were buried. The con­trac­tor was seen re­mov­ing the pile of dirt and trans­port­ing it away on trucks.

Ef­forts to con­tact San Fer­nan­do may­or Ju­nia Re­grel­lo proved fu­tile up to news time. The con­trac­tor al­so could not be reached for com­ment.

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