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Thursday, March 27, 2025

Health protocols in place at reopened Cocoyea public pool


Sascha Wilson
805 days ago
San Fernando East MP Brian Manning, second from right, councillor Teresa Lynch, left, San Fernando East constituency chair Patricia Alexis and councillor Nigel Couttier tour the refurbished Cocoyea Recreational Facility yesterday.

San Fernando East MP Brian Manning, second from right, councillor Teresa Lynch, left, San Fernando East constituency chair Patricia Alexis and councillor Nigel Couttier tour the refurbished Cocoyea Recreational Facility yesterday.

With COVID-19 cas­es on the rise again, San Fer­nan­do East MP Bri­an Man­ning yes­ter­day as­sured that the nec­es­sary pro­to­cols and ster­il­i­sa­tion will be done at the re­opened pub­lic swim­ming pool at Co­coyea Vil­lage, San Fer­nan­do.

The Co­coyea Recre­ation­al Fa­cil­i­ty, which had been closed for al­most five years, re­opened on Mon­day and yes­ter­day Man­ning and oth­er of­fi­cials toured the fa­cil­i­ty at St An­drew’s Park West.

Fol­low­ing its clo­sure in 2018, there were sev­er­al com­plaints, par­tic­u­lar­ly from res­i­dents of Co­coyea Vil­lage and neigh­bour­ing com­mu­ni­ties.

Deputy Per­ma­nent Sec­re­tary in the Min­istry of Sport and Com­mu­ni­ty De­vel­op­ment Bev­er­ly Reid-Samuel said at a cost of $1,137,000, re­pairs were done to sev­er­al ar­eas in­clud­ing the roof, bleach­ers, plumb­ing, elec­tri­cal and pumps in two phas­es from June to Au­gust 2022 and from last Sep­tem­ber to Jan­u­ary 6.

The pool was orig­i­nal­ly opened in Au­gust 2007 by Man­ning’s fa­ther, the late prime min­is­ter Patrick Man­ning, who was the MP for San Fer­nan­do East.

Bri­an Man­ning, Min­is­ter in the Min­istry of Fi­nance, said the fa­cil­i­ty was kept closed un­til they were ab­solute­ly sure it was safe for pub­lic use. He thanked Sports Min­is­ter Sham­fa Cud­joe for work­ing with his con­stituen­cy of­fice to en­sure the pool was re­opened.

“We had var­i­ous is­sues with pumps at one pe­ri­od. There was al­so an al­gae is­sue at one point so we had to en­sure that all of that was tak­en care of, then of course there was COVID. It would not have been safe for the pub­lic to use the pool dur­ing that time, so we had to en­sure that every­thing was done cor­rect­ly. Every­thing was done prop­er­ly to en­sure the safe­ty of the pub­lic be­fore we of­fi­cial­ly opened this fa­cil­i­ty.”

Asked about con­cerns with the rise of COVID-19 cas­es, he said: “We will take the nor­mal pre­cau­tions. There is al­so a vac­ci­na­tion pol­i­cy now which was a ques­tion ear­li­er on dur­ing the ear­ly part of the COVID cri­sis, so we will take nor­mal pre­cau­tions and have reg­u­lar ster­il­i­sa­tion and clean­ing of the area to min­imise the risk of COVID and any oth­er vi­ral in­fec­tion in this fa­cil­i­ty.”

Man­ning said he was ex­treme­ly proud to be part of the re­open­ing as it was one of his fa­ther’s pet projects for the peo­ple of Co­coyea Vil­lage.

“It is one of those projects that the mem­bers of San Fer­nan­do East feel ex­treme­ly emo­tion­al about. I re­mem­ber I got a let­ter from one par­tic­u­lar res­i­dent who was or­gan­is­ing a protest to have the pool re­opened. I had to in­form the gen­tle­man we could not re­open the pool un­til we were ab­solute­ly sure it was safe for use,” he said.

Fa­cil­i­ty man­ag­er Kim­ber­ly Joseph said the pool is free of charge to mem­bers of the pub­lic. This week there will on­ly be recre­ation­al swim­ming but from next week there will be aqua aer­o­bics for se­nior cit­i­zens, swim­ming class­es and schools will be in­vit­ed to use the pool.

Joseph said sev­er­al swim­ming clubs have asked to use the fa­cil­i­ties but they are still in talks with them.

The re­open­ing was a nos­tal­gic mo­ment for for­mer coun­cil­lor for the area Leslie Lynch who was at the open­ing in 2007. His daugh­ter, cur­rent coun­cil­lor for Co­coyea/Tarou­ba Tere­sa Lynch, was in at­ten­dance along with con­stituen­cy chair­man Pa­tri­cia Alex­is and Mon Re­pos/Navet coun­cil­lor Nigel Cout­ti­er.

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