Local companies in an expansion mode or exploring joint ventures with local or international partners are being encouraged to take advantage of InvesTT Limited’s latest call for investment projects.
The state company says for those companies answering the call, it can provide assistance with the identification of suitable commercial spaces for the proposed investment, in-country site visits by foreign investors, facilitation of meetings with key public and private sector officials and the facilitation of application and approval processes.
“We are specifically targeting the Manufacturing, Maritime Services, Logistics and Distribution industries at this time, because we recognize that these are growth sectors that have the potential to substantially boost the national economy via diversification,” said Sekou Alleyne, InvesTT President.
“We are asking companies operating within these industries to let us know what their expansion goals are and work with us to help them be materialized,” he added.
Companies heeding the open call for investment projects are being asked to complete the online project proposal form which may be found on InvesTT’s website homepage, and provide the following information, which is needed to facilitate project selection:
■ Project overview
■ Principals
■ Projected investment value & jobs
■ Preferred location
■ Specific technology
■ Financing needs/requirements
■ Land requirements (or whether land is already secured)
InvesTT also is pointing businesses to its recently updated annual Guide to Investing in Trinidad and Tobago, which can be found on its website.
InvesTT is the national investment promotion agency with the responsibility to attract foreign investment into Trinidad and Tobago. It actively seeks investors through varied channels including participation at international investment conferences, collaboration with Trinidad and Tobago’s overseas diplomatic missions, digital marketing and the hosting of in-person business forums locally and abroad.