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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Man finds a clue to parents' missing graves


Radhica De Silva
1238 days ago
Kwencyd Sookram hunts for the grave of his parents Veronica and Johnny Sookram on Tuesday.

Kwencyd Sookram hunts for the grave of his parents Veronica and Johnny Sookram on Tuesday.


Af­ter spend­ing two days search­ing for the ex­act spot where his par­ents were buried, Kwen­cyd Sookram fi­nal­ly found a clue on Wednes­day.

The cross which marked the spot where Veroni and John­ny Hen­ry had been laid to rest side-by-side, was found along­side a drain on the pe­riph­ery of the Roodal Ceme­tery.

The ceme­tery had been dis­turbed by a con­trac­tor in­volved in earth­works for the San Fer­nan­do Wa­ter­front project.

Speak­ing to Guardian Me­dia on Wednes­day, Sookram said the San Fer­nan­do City Cor­po­ra­tion sent a team on Tues­day and marked and mea­sured the plots. They showed him a spot where his par­ents could have been buried but he was un­sure whether that was the ex­act lo­ca­tion.

But Sookram said af­ter search­ing on his own, he found the cross ly­ing in the drain which showed where their re­mains were ly­ing.

Up­set that the spot had been des­e­crat­ed, Sookram said he has since sought le­gal ad­vice and planned to sue both the Cor­po­ra­tion and the con­trac­tor for dam­ag­ing his par­ents' graves. 

Sookram said his fa­ther John­ny died two years ago at the age of 95 while his moth­er died in 2016. Their cas­kets were placed next to each oth­er near some palm trees.

"It is dis­heart­en­ing to know that they lived long hap­py lives, mar­ried to each oth­er for 65 years and now when they are rest­ing, they can­not rest be­cause there is con­struc­tion on top of them," he said.

Sookram added, " A rep­re­sen­ta­tive for the con­trac­tor called and said they will mea­sure back the spots and make me as com­fort­able and sat­is­fied as pos­si­ble. 

I am go­ing to ask them if they can do an un­der­ground scan to find the right spot of my par­ents. That row where my par­ents were buried were row 18 and num­bers 50 and 48 are the spots. There were no new graves there ex­cept for my par­ents from what I un­der­stand."

Since the sto­ry was pub­lished, Sookram said an­oth­er rel­a­tive reached out say­ing her rel­a­tive's grave was al­so af­fect­ed.

A con­trac­tor has been clear­ing away the mound of dirt from the side of the ceme­tery and has been restor­ing the graves with the as­sis­tance of the San Fer­nan­do City Cor­po­ra­tion.

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