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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Ministry of Trade, MIC, launch steelpan tuner programme


4 days ago
From left, National Carnival Commission (NCC) CEO Keba Jacob-Mottley, Noel Steelpan Production founder Kyle Noel, Minister of Trade and Industry Paula Gopee-Scoon, UTT Professor Clement Imbert, MIC programme coordinator Ben Jackson, Programme Instructor Kaijah Codington, Steelpan Tuners Guild of T&T secretary Anthony Duncan and Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Trade and Industry Randall Karim at the launch of the Pan Tuners Apprenticeship programme at Ministry of Trade and Industry, Nicholas Towers, Port-of-Spain, yesterday.

From left, National Carnival Commission (NCC) CEO Keba Jacob-Mottley, Noel Steelpan Production founder Kyle Noel, Minister of Trade and Industry Paula Gopee-Scoon, UTT Professor Clement Imbert, MIC programme coordinator Ben Jackson, Programme Instructor Kaijah Codington, Steelpan Tuners Guild of T&T secretary Anthony Duncan and Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Trade and Industry Randall Karim at the launch of the Pan Tuners Apprenticeship programme at Ministry of Trade and Industry, Nicholas Towers, Port-of-Spain, yesterday.


Lead Ed­i­tor - News­gath­er­ing­

Min­is­ter of Trade and In­dus­try, Paula Gopee-Scoon, yes­ter­day launched a $1.95 mil­lion Steel­pan Tuner Ap­pren­tice­ship Pro­gramme.

The min­istry has part­nered with MIC In­sti­tute of Tech­nol­o­gy for the pro­gramme which is aimed at en­hanc­ing the qual­i­ty of steel­pan prod­ucts that are made in T&T and ex­port­ed to dif­fer­ent mar­kets around the world.

In an­nounc­ing the launch of the pro­gramme, Gopee-Scoon al­so said that the Gov­ern­ment has spent $27 mil­lion over the last three years on ap­pren­tice­ship pro­grammes.

Gopee-Scoon said, “It is a fact that there has been a de­cline in the num­ber of skill steel­pan tuners with many of the great mas­ters of the craft ei­ther re­tir­ing or no longer with us. This pro­gramme has been de­signed to en­sure the next gen­er­a­tion of tuners is trained in the au­then­tic and metic­u­lous meth­ods of this vi­tal craft and car­ry for­ward the knowl­edge, the tra­di­tions, and the skills nec­es­sary to sus­tain the in­dus­try.”

She fur­ther em­pha­sised that the pro­gramme is not just about teach­ing a trade but nur­tur­ing an art form that is cen­tral to T&T’s cul­tur­al iden­ti­ty and has eco­nom­ic op­por­tu­ni­ties.

The sen­a­tor added, “This pro­gramme will cre­ate jobs, help sus­tain lo­cal pan yards and ex­pand the larg­er steel­pan ecosys­tem.”

She added that while the steel­pan is part of T&T’s cul­tur­al her­itage, it is of­ten over­looked for its eco­nom­ic op­por­tu­ni­ties.

The idea was put for­ward by Steel­pan Steer­ing Com­mit­tee which was formed in 2023.

Among oth­er ini­tia­tives pro­posed by the com­mit­tee in­clude the cre­ation of a mech­a­nism to con­nect tuners, play­ers, arrangers, com­posers and man­u­fac­tur­ers to col­lab­o­rate and work to­geth­er to build the in­dus­try, a com­pre­hen­sive cap analy­sis of the in­dus­try to tai­lor train­ing and ca­pac­i­ty build­ing en­deav­ours for both the pan fra­ter­ni­ty and the gen­er­al pub­lic and a record­ing fund for steel­bands so their per­for­mances can be record­ed and mar­ket­ed in­ter­na­tion­al­ly.

A thor­ough re­view of tax ben­e­fits to tar­get pro­posed in­cen­tives to en­cour­age sup­port of the in­dus­try has al­so been pro­posed as well as the de­vel­op­ment of a web­site to al­low all stake­hold­ers along the val­ue chain to of­fer their prod­ucts to both lo­cal and for­eign con­sumers.

Gopee-Scoon says the Steel­pan Man­u­fac­tur­ing Grant Fund Fa­cil­i­ty, es­tab­lished in 2020, has seen ex­ports of the na­tion­al in­stru­ment in­crease by 72 per cent from $1.9 mil­lion in 2020 to over $3.1 mil­lion in 2023. Lo­cal con­sump­tion has al­so in­creased, ac­cord­ing to the trade min­is­ter. Nine com­pa­nies have so far ben­e­fit­ed from the grants in the form of $3 mil­lion.

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