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Thursday, March 27, 2025

No respect for the dead, graves dug up at Monkey Town cemetery


Rhondor Dowlat-Rostant
1525 days ago
Videsh Sieu Sankar stands next to the tombstones of his aunt and grandparents at the Monkey Town Garden of Rest at Monkey Town Village yesterday.

Videsh Sieu Sankar stands next to the tombstones of his aunt and grandparents at the Monkey Town Garden of Rest at Monkey Town Village yesterday.


The Mon­key Town Pub­lic Ceme­tery Gar­den of Rest was this week dam­aged and turned in­to “a gar­den of un­rest and dis­re­spect” as about 20 graves were in­dis­crim­i­nate­ly dug up and the dead dis­turbed.

Sev­er­al mem­bers of three af­fect­ed fam­i­lies found their way on the ceme­tery grounds on Thurs­day to speak with the Guardian Me­dia crew who was on hand to see the on­go­ing ex­ca­va­tion works which be­gan on Tues­day and are on­go­ing.

Fam­i­ly mem­bers said they are up­set about the al­leged im­prop­er ac­tion tak­en by the Pe­nal/Debe Re­gion­al Cor­po­ra­tion.

The res­i­dents claimed that part of the earth on the east­ern side start­ed to cave in and a con­trac­tor was al­leged­ly hired by the re­gion­al cor­po­ra­tion which is chaired by Dr Allen Sam­my to put down fence posts for a re­tain­ing wall. How­ev­er, they said the con­trac­tor moved in and start­ed work on the wrong part of the ceme­tery dig­ging up graves, de­stroy­ing memo­r­i­al tomb­stones and en­clo­sures of their loved ones caus­ing stress and heartache.

The res­i­dents claimed they were told that the con­trac­tor said he did not see the tomb­stones and added that he can­not stop the work that he has al­ready start­ed.

One res­i­dent, who wished not to be iden­ti­fied said, “How could he not have seen it even when he moved in all his equip­ment? The equip­ment rolled over some of the tomb­stones and de­stroyed it. Most of the graves lo­cat­ed on the right side of the ceme­tery were al­so un­earthed. This is sad and a night­mare to us.”

A pop­u­lar fam­i­ly in the area, the Dowlat fam­i­ly, who has about 11 bur­ial plots there said al­though the graves of their loved ones weren’t dug up it still is shock­ing to them.

“This ceme­tery has al­ways been close to my heart and ever so of­ten I would make my way to South to vis­it my fa­ther’s grave. I wish to be buried there one day too. I can’t be­lieve that the dead would have been dis­re­spect­ed like that.”

Res­i­dent Videsh Siewsankar said five graves be­long­ing to his rel­a­tives were de­stroyed.

“They want to tell us that no graves were on this side but you can clear­ly see graves dug up and pieces of tombs dug up and turned up­side down and dis­lo­cat­ed from the re­spec­tive graves. It is ex­treme­ly dis­gust­ing that no one con­sult­ed the ceme­tery keep­er. The ceme­tery keep­er said that had he been con­sult­ed he would have let the PDRC and con­trac­tors know that this side of the ceme­tery is well pop­u­lat­ed.”

He added, “No oth­er fam­i­lies have been con­tact­ed ex­cept us. They ne­glect­ed to in­form oth­er peo­ple which is gross­ly dis­re­spect­ful be­cause when you cel­e­brate their life and put them to rest here and then have them strewn in­dis­crim­i­nate­ly and no at­tempts were made to re­claim the re­mains for us to have re­buri­als or to prop­er­ly ex­hume the bod­ies of our loved ones shows that the cor­po­ra­tion has no re­spect for the fam­i­lies.”

Cor­po­ra­tion chair­man Dr Allen Sam­my in re­sponse to ques­tions from Guardian Me­dia said, “ As soon as it was drawn to our at­ten­tion on Tues­day af­ter­noon we re­quest­ed that the mat­ter be ad­dressed im­me­di­ate­ly by our tech­ni­cal team. They went on Wednes­day and again Thurs­day morn­ing to in­ves­ti­gate the mat­ter. The CEO al­so vis­it­ed giv­en the se­ri­ous­ness of the com­plaint. I will be seek­ing an up­date on the mat­ter.”

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