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Thursday, March 27, 2025

Outrage as TKR out of CPL playoffs after floodlight outage in Guyana


175 days ago
Trinbago Knight Riders captain Kieron Pollard, left, and Barbados Royals captain Rovman Powell talk to match officials during the delay in their CPL Eliminator match at Providence Stadium in Georgetown, Guyana, on Tuesday night.

Trinbago Knight Riders captain Kieron Pollard, left, and Barbados Royals captain Rovman Powell talk to match officials during the delay in their CPL Eliminator match at Providence Stadium in Georgetown, Guyana, on Tuesday night.

Photo by Ashley Allen - CPL T20

Trin­ba­go Knight Rid­ers fans have been left dis­ap­point­ed and with a sour taste in their mouths, af­ter their team was elim­i­nat­ed from the 2024 Re­pub­lic Bank Caribbean Pre­mier League tour­na­ment in con­tro­ver­sial fash­ion on Tues­day night.

The elim­i­na­tor match be­tween TKR and the Bar­ba­dos Roy­als was in­ter­rupt­ed af­ter three flood­light tow­ers went out at the Prov­i­dence Sta­di­um in Guyana near the end of TKR’s in­nings, and Roy­als even­tu­al­ly chased down a re­vised score of 60 in five overs via the Duck­worth-Lewis-Stein method.

A 17-ball half-cen­tu­ry blitz from David Miller (50 not out) got Roy­als com­fort­ably to 64 for one. The nine-wick­et win by the two-time cham­pi­ons bought them at least one more match in this year’s tour­na­ment and elim­i­nat­ed TKR.

The re­sult did not go down well with TKR fans, with sev­er­al tak­ing to so­cial me­dia ex­press­ing the view that there was a con­spir­a­cy to elim­i­nate TKR, in­clud­ing sug­ges­tions of sab­o­tage of the light­ing sys­tem. Even TKR all-rounder An­dre Rus­sell took to so­cial me­dia with an ex­ple­tive-filled com­ment on the un­fair­ness of the re­sult. (See oth­er sto­ry)

In his post, Rus­sell ques­tioned the se­quence of events lead­ing up to the game’s con­tin­u­a­tion in con­di­tions that he felt took an ad­van­tage away from the team bat­ting first and hand­ed it to the Roy­als.

In the post, Rus­sell said, “I am not the per­son to come out on the In­ter­net and voice my opin­ion, but this year, CPL, I feel robbed of this light sit­u­a­tion.”

Com­ment­ing on the sit­u­a­tion, crick­et an­a­lyst and for­mer Trinidad and To­ba­go play­er An­dre Lawrence said, “For it to hap­pen in an elim­i­na­tor is very, very un­for­tu­nate and prob­a­bly goes be­yond the thought of it be­ing just un­for­tu­nate. It’s not the way that any tour­na­ment would like to have to get a re­sult from a game, but I imag­ine that it’s in the rules and reg­u­la­tions of the game.

“And I think that it reach­es so far as to say that there should be a prop­er in­ves­ti­ga­tion just to make sure that there wasn’t any­thing un­der­hand­ed about it.”

He added, “Cir­cum­stances like this very rarely hap­pen, and maybe there is some­thing that can be looked at. But this doesn’t seem right, and it prob­a­bly tar­nish­es the Caribbean brand just a bit.”

How­ev­er, Lawrence was able to find a philo­soph­i­cal out­look.

“Some­times you have to look at the good in every­thing. While it’s not the best sce­nario, it gives the Caribbean Pre­mier League hi­er­ar­chy the op­por­tu­ni­ty to look at things like venues and rules go­ing for­ward. And when I say venues, there’s ab­solute­ly noth­ing wrong with Prov­i­dence or play­ing crick­et in Guyana, but it is not out of whack to know that they do get pow­er out­ages dur­ing the day; that’s the re­al­i­ty of things.

“This is the first time this has hap­pened in Guyana, and it’s not the first time they have had the fi­nals week there, but it has hap­pened now, so cer­tain­ly the pow­ers that be in Guyana have to take a much clos­er look at that.”

Al­so con­tact­ed for com­ment yes­ter­day, Prime Min­is­ter Dr Kei­th Row­ley, who has made no se­cret of his love for the game and the CPL in the past, stat­ed on­ly, “I heard that se­nior play­ers have spo­ken, so there is noth­ing for me to add.”

Dr Row­ley was pre­sum­ably re­fer­ring to pub­lic state­ments made by TKR cap­tain Kieron Pol­lard as the so­cial me­dia post by Rus­sell.

Speak­ing dur­ing the game’s post-match tele­vised in­ter­view, how­ev­er, Pol­lard did not seem dis­turbed about what tran­spired, stat­ing sim­ply that he and his team un­der­stood the un­cer­tain­ties of sport.

Pol­lard said, “You pre­pare for any cir­cum­stances. If rain had fall­en or some­thing like that, it would have been the same sort of in­stance where you have to gear up and be pre­pared to play. Once the lights were on, we were al­ways ready to play with­in the rules and reg­u­la­tions of the game.”

He added, “We saw the class of Nicky P (Nicholas Pooran) to­day again, bat­ting on a tough wick­et, get­ting us to a de­cent to­tal at that point with four of five overs to go. It was al­ways go­ing to be dif­fi­cult for Bar­ba­dos to chase that, but in the cir­cum­stances, cer­tain things hap­pened that we have no con­trol over.”

Mean­while, Roy­als cap­tain Rov­man Pow­ell in­ti­mat­ed that luck was on his team’s side.

“I think it’s a case of us get­ting lucky tonight, to be hon­est,” he said.

“At one point, we thought we were out of the com­pe­ti­tion once the lights start­ed giv­ing prob­lems. It’s un­for­tu­nate that the lights went off, or it would have been a beau­ti­ful crick­et. It’s just un­for­tu­nate for a good TKR team to be on the wrong side of luck tonight.”

DLS method used af­ter two-hour de­lay

As the sce­nario un­fold­ed dur­ing the two-hour de­lay and even long af­ter the re­sult, crick­et fans took to so­cial me­dia to voice their dis­ap­point­ment in the se­ries of events.

As the min­utes raced away, view­ers were quite lit­er­al­ly left in the dark about what was hap­pen­ing at the venue. Anx­ious fans be­gan to spec­u­late about the rea­sons for the out­age and the pos­si­ble out­come of the match.

Then, at al­most the same time that the CPL’s live broad­cast re­sumed with com­men­ta­tors con­firm­ing that play would be able to re­sume but that the con­di­tions of the match would be dras­ti­cal­ly al­tered, a joint me­dia re­lease from Guyana’s Min­istry of Cul­ture, Youth, and Sport and Guyana Pow­er and Light In­cor­po­rat­ed (GLP) de­clared that “all CPL match­es at the Prov­i­dence Sta­di­um, Guyana, were suc­cess­ful­ly pow­ered from in­de­pen­dent gen­er­at­ing sets lo­cat­ed in the Na­tion­al Sta­di­um and not by the GPL’s grid. The GPL has been on stand­by at all match­es to ren­der tech­ni­cal as­sis­tance to the sta­di­um at all times.”

The state­ment con­tin­ued, “Dur­ing the nine­teenth over, three (3) flood­lights that were pow­ered by an in­de­pen­dent gen­er­a­tor lost pow­er, thus caus­ing a dis­rup­tion to the match. GPL’s tech­ni­cal team on stand­by im­me­di­ate­ly be­gan ren­der­ing as­sis­tance and re­stored pow­er to two of three flood­lights on the same cir­cuit. The sta­di­um’s tech­ni­cal staff and GPL worked as­sid­u­ous­ly to re­store pow­er to the third flood­light, which had a tech­ni­cal fault with the un­der­ground ca­ble feed­ing pow­er to that flood­light. A sub­sti­tute ca­ble was in­stalled quick­ly to have this flood­light op­er­a­tional. This was achieved at ap­prox­i­mate­ly 10.51 pm when the tech­ni­cal team reme­died the prob­lem and the game re­sumed.”

Mean­while, in a me­dia re­lease late last evening, the CPL mere­ly con­firmed the in­ci­dent at the venue, say­ing the um­pires Deighton But­ler and Nigel Duguid ini­tial­ly ruled the venue un­fit for play to con­tin­ue, be­fore the re­turn of the flood­lights al­lowed the game to con­tin­ue un­der the DLS method, which it said was the uni­ver­sal­ly ac­cept­ed method used to de­ter­mine re­vised tar­gets in an in­ter­rupt­ed game.

Yes­ter­day, mem­bers of the pub­lic were still dis­sat­is­fied with what tran­spired.

One cit­i­zen said, “I find they should do it over and start over from scratch be­cause that wasn’t a fair match. I feel some­thing like a sab­o­tage went on.”

An­oth­er opined, “I think so (the match should be played over be­cause that is wrong what they did.”

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