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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Patrotic Front hoping to contest all seats


Bavita Gopaulchan
1734 days ago
Political Leader of the Patriotic Front, Mickela Panday and former national football captain, Kenwyne Jones at the launch of the party's campaign in Chaguanas yesterday.

Political Leader of the Patriotic Front, Mickela Panday and former national football captain, Kenwyne Jones at the launch of the party's campaign in Chaguanas yesterday.

Michael Ramsingh

Bavi­ta Gopaulchan

Promis­ing to be the change the T&T needs, the Pa­tri­ot­ic Front is gear­ing up to run in the 2020 Gen­er­al Elec­tion and it will have a for­mer prime min­is­ter as its cam­paign man­ag­er.

The an­nounce­ment was made yes­ter­day by po­lit­i­cal leader Mick­ela Pan­day at the par­ty’s head of­fice lo­cat­ed at Marie Street in Ch­agua­nas.

Ac­cord­ing to Pan­day, “We rec­og­nize that peo­ple are fed up with the re­cy­cling of the same politi­cians every five years and so we will con­test the elec­tion with new, vi­brant, in­tel­li­gent, hon­est and com­mit­ted peo­ple”.

She in­di­cat­ed that a com­mit­tee of ex­pe­ri­enced peo­ple like her fa­ther Bas­deo Pan­day will not on­ly men­tor the can­di­dates but al­so spear­head the elec­tion cam­paign.

As of now, Mick­ela Pan­day said the Pa­tri­ot­ic Front wants to con­test all 41 con­stituen­cies but, she ad­mit­ted dis­cus­sions are be­ing held with oth­er po­lit­i­cal forces which means plans can change.

“I don’t want to sound as if we are not still talk­ing with oth­er po­lit­i­cal par­ties and will­ing to lis­ten to oth­er par­ties and move the best way for­ward,” she stat­ed.

Now that the par­ty’s nom­i­na­tions are open, Pan­day con­firmed she will be throw­ing her hat in the ring. How­ev­er, she is tight-lipped on which con­stituen­cy she has her eyes on.

Al­so present at yes­ter­day’s press con­fer­ence was lo­cal foot­baller Ken­wyne Jones. Asked what role Jones played in the par­ty’s elec­tion fight, Pan­day said he was part of the team and the coun­try has to wait to find out more.

The elec­tion date is yet to be an­nounced but the young Pan­day said she is op­ti­mistic the Pa­tri­ot­ic Front has enough time to pre­pare its slate of can­di­dates and cam­paign.

She said, “We have done a sta­tis­ti­cal study of the vot­ing pat­tern in this coun­try us­ing the EBC and the CSO sta­tis­tics and the vot­ing pat­tern shows that of the two ma­jor par­ties put to­geth­er less than 50 per cent of the en­tire elec­torate votes for them”.

It is the group of peo­ple who do not vote, Pan­day said she is hop­ing to cap­ture.

As for the par­ty’s fi­nanciers, the po­lit­i­cal leader said there are none and as­sured that its fi­nan­cial records will be made pub­lic.

She stat­ed, “With­out com­plete­ly giv­ing it away but in the in­ter­est of ac­count­abil­i­ty and trans­paren­cy, the best way to go is by go­ing con­stituen­cy to con­stituen­cy”.

The par­ty’s man­i­festo, which will be un­veiled soon, will ad­dress is­sues such as, the COVID-19 cri­sis, ris­ing un­em­ploy­ment, lack of food se­cu­ri­ty, health­care de­liv­ery, con­sti­tu­tion­al re­form and an eco­nom­ic di­ver­si­fi­ca­tion plan.

PoliticsGeneral ElectionsPatriotic FrontMikela Panday

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