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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Play Whe dealers concerned over "suspicious" draw


Akash Samaroo
861 days ago

Akash Sama­roo


The On­line Gam­ing Agents As­so­ci­a­tion of Trinidad and To­ba­go (OGAATT) has writ­ten to the Na­tion­al Lot­ter­ies Con­trol Board (NL­CB) over what it is call­ing the sus­pi­cious out­come of Tues­day's 4 PM live Play Whe draw.


As­so­ci­a­tion Pres­i­dent Dean Per­sad told Guardian Me­dia that this per­tains to the Mega Draw which deals with the white balls and the red ball which in­creas­es the win­nings of the per­son who picked the cor­rect 'mark.'


Per­sad in the let­ter told the NL­CB that "the con­cern is that the fi­nal re­sult was flashed across the tele­vi­sion screen BE­FORE the live draw was com­plet­ed."


Per­sad said, "this has caused an up­roar, doubts, sus­pi­cions and ques­tions on the in­tegri­ty of the game and the draw. You will agree that these sen­ti­ments are jus­ti­fied and need to be ad­dressed."


The OGAATT Pres­i­dent added that this has brought in­to fo­cus, the many ques­tions that sur­round er­rors in Week­ly Set­tle­ments and de­posits, and the many chal­lenges faced by agents in deal­ing with NL­CB.


" You would agree with me that we (agents) and the pub­lic de­serve an ex­pla­na­tion on what oc­curred yes­ter­day with Play Whe draw #22596," Per­sad con­clud­ed in the let­ter ad­dressed to NL­CB Chair­man, Eu­stace Nan­cis.


Play WheNLCB

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