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Thursday, March 27, 2025

RC priest tells elected leaders: ‘Don’t let your emotions get the better of you’


719 days ago
RC priest Father David Khan, centre, carries the cross during the Good Friday Stations of the Cross procession, on San Fernando Hill, yesterday.

RC priest Father David Khan, centre, carries the cross during the Good Friday Stations of the Cross procession, on San Fernando Hill, yesterday.


A Ro­man Catholic priest is chal­leng­ing elect­ed lead­ers and those in po­si­tions of au­thor­i­ty to do what is good and not al­low their emo­tions to lead their ac­tions.

“Those of you who the peo­ple have elect­ed..., don’t let your emo­tions get the bet­ter of you, do what is good,” said Fa­ther David Khan.

He is­sued the chal­lenge af­ter lead­ing parish­ioners of Our La­dy of Per­pet­u­al Help RC Church in re-en­act­ing the cru­ci­fix­ion of Je­sus Christ dur­ing the 14 Sta­tions of the Cross at San Fer­nan­do Hill on Good Fri­day.

While the Vir­gin Mary suf­fered great sor­row when Je­sus was cru­ci­fied, Khan said she did what was right and good.

“She prayed so that we too can share in the ever­last­ing joy,” he said.

Not­ing that joy and sor­row live in the same house, he said there is al­so a lot of joy and sor­row in Trinidad and To­ba­go. How­ev­er, he said if those in au­thor­i­ty dis­play dom­i­nance, they will on­ly bring sad­ness be­cause they will be do­ing what they want in­stead of what pleas­es God. Peo­ple in au­thor­i­ty, he added, need to be in­flu­encers to bring about joy.

“It is not about mov­ing by emo­tions. Emo­tions are nei­ther good nor bad, but it is what we do with our emo­tions. I keep re­mind­ing my con­gre­ga­tion that emo­tions are meant to in­form us, not to con­trol you. Usu­al­ly, peo­ple in au­thor­i­ty, if you al­low your emo­tions to con­trol you, you will bring about great sad­ness, but if we al­low our emo­tions to in­form us, it does not mat­ter whether we are hap­py or sad, whether in our be­ing, our house, there is joy and sad­ness but we will al­ways do what brings about joy.”

Whether hap­py or sad, he said peo­ple ought to do good. “Lead­ers, peo­ple in au­thor­i­ty, peo­ple who can dom­i­nate, when your emo­tions are in­tact, you will do what is right and good. When you al­low your emo­tions to con­trol you, you will al­low your dom­i­nance to show, and you will laud it over oth­ers in­stead of do­ing what is good...”

He al­so urged parish­ioners not to let their emo­tions get the bet­ter of them.

“Je­sus took his cross, and he did what is good, so through our emo­tions when we face our dai­ly cross­es may we do what is good,” he said.

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