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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Religious bodies seek 2nd tranche of COVID relief


Bavita Gopaulchan
1743 days ago
 Acting CEO of Udecott Tamica Charles Phillips, left, Minister of Sports and Youth Affair Shamfa Cudjoe and Minister of Social Development and Family Services Camille Robinson Regis turns the sod for the Maloney Community Swimming Pool in Maloney yesterday.

Acting CEO of Udecott Tamica Charles Phillips, left, Minister of Sports and Youth Affair Shamfa Cudjoe and Minister of Social Development and Family Services Camille Robinson Regis turns the sod for the Maloney Community Swimming Pool in Maloney yesterday.



Sev­er­al re­li­gious bod­ies have al­ready ap­proached the Gov­ern­ment for the sec­ond tranche of funds to pro­vide sup­port to needy fam­i­lies and mi­grants hit hard by the COVID-19 re­stric­tions, Min­is­ter of So­cial De­vel­op­ment and Fam­i­ly Ser­vices Camille Robin­son-Reg­is said yes­ter­day.

Robin­son-Reg­is al­so said the min­istry has not had any is­sues with the re­li­gious or­gan­i­sa­tions dis­trib­ut­ing tax­pay­er funds, not­ing they were all hold­ing true to the val­ues that they teach.

“It has been go­ing well and all, if not most, of the re­li­gious bod­ies or um­brel­la bod­ies have been fund­ed for this month and they have start­ed bring­ing in their re­turns so that we can give them the sec­ond tranche,” Robin­son-Reg­is said af­ter turn­ing the sod cer­e­mo­ny for a com­mu­ni­ty pool in Mal­oney.

At the be­gin­ning of last month, Gov­ern­ment be­gan dis­trib­ut­ing $10 mil­lion in grants to 14 de­nom­i­na­tion­al boards to pro­vide re­lief to needy peo­ple hit hard by the COVID mea­sures in place since March.

How­ev­er, while the faith-based en­ti­ties have been hon­est, Robin­son-Reg­is in­di­cat­ed that there are cit­i­zens who have been ap­ply­ing for oth­er Gov­ern­ment grants and us­ing false in­for­ma­tion to con the way to re­lief funds.

“With re­gard to the in­come grant we have paid over 20,000 per­sons and with re­gard to the rental as­sis­tance, we have had some de­lays be­cause we have had sev­er­al peo­ple try­ing to de­fraud the Gov­ern­ment and we are not go­ing to al­low that to hap­pen be­cause that is tax­pay­ers’ mon­ey,” she said.

De­spite the set­back, Robin­son-Reg­is said the min­istry con­tin­ues to process the rent re­lief grant ap­pli­ca­tions.

“We have got in the re­gion of 3,000 re­quests and we are pay­ing and pro­cess­ing about 2,000 at this time,” she added.

How­ev­er, Robin­son-Reg­is stat­ed that as far as she knows, no ap­pli­cant has been charged for try­ing to de­fraud the state. How­ev­er, she said the min­istry has hand­ed over ev­i­dence to the Trinidad and To­ba­go Po­lice Ser­vice.

Dur­ing the sod-turn­ing ear­li­er, Robin­son-Reg­is called a com­mu­ni­ty pool in Mal­oney “a red-let­ter day.” The Mem­ber of Par­lia­ment for Arou­ca-Mal­oney, she re­called hav­ing her pro­pos­al for the com­mu­ni­ty pool re­ject­ed in 1996.

The 24-foot fa­cil­i­ty, which will be con­struct­ed next to the Mal­oney Po­lice Sta­tion, is ex­pect­ed to be com­plet­ed with­in 10 months and will cost ap­prox­i­mate­ly $8 mil­lion, she said.

Robin­son-Reg­is said she hopes this will not on­ly bring a facelift to the com­mu­ni­ty but will en­cour­age young peo­ple to live a life away from crime.

“For many years the com­mu­ni­ty’s rep­u­ta­tion was ham­strung by ri­val­ry and com­pe­ti­tion for turf amongst those whose ways of life then clashed with the peace­ful Mal­oney we know to­day,” Robin­son-Reg­is told the gath­er­ing.

She added, “But while this stig­ma is slow­ly but sure­ly dis­ap­pear­ing, one way in which we have been able to re­store some sem­blance of or­der and le­git­i­ma­cy to the com­mu­ni­ty was through the in­tro­duc­tion of com­mu­ni­ty ac­tiv­i­ties, whether through the re­gion­al com­plex, sport­ing com­plex or the li­brary.”

Na­tion­al swim­mer Akiel Joseph and so­ca star Akeem ‘Preedy’ Chance, who are both from Mal­oney, at­tend­ed yes­ter­day’s cer­e­mo­ny.

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