As Trinbagonians come to grips with several hot spells, the T&T Electricity Commission (T&TEC) says it has seen a surge in demand for electricity.
In a statement yesterday, the commission said it had recorded “continuous increases” in electricity demand over the past two weeks, as previous peaks were exceeded on five occasions.
On September 13, 2023, T&TEC recorded its then-highest ever consumer electricity demand of 1410 megawatts (MW). However, the month of May this year has proven to be the highest thus far, with peak demands of 1422 MW on May 2; 1447.1 MW on May 6; 1448 MW on May 7; 1455.8 MW on May 13 and 1456.2 MW on May 15.
T&TEC alluded to the T&T Meteorological Service’s (MET Service) announcement that for the second quarter of the year, “day and night temperatures are predicted to be above average for most of Trinidad and Tobago, with high (70 per cent) probabilities for short-duration hot spells from April to June”.
While T&TEC said it has more than enough installed capacity (2037MW) to meet the surge in demand for electricity, the increased demand has resulted in increased natural gas usage.
“Practicing conservation, once safe to do so, will therefore help to reduce the impact on the availability of natural gas,” its statement said.
The utility company also released several tips to manage electricity usage as temperatures soar:
1. Raise the temperature on air conditioning units by a few degrees to minimise the load and use fans to maintain comfort (every degree of cooling increases energy use by six to eight per cent).
2. Shield the sun—Close window coverings like blinds and curtains to shield the sun’s rays so that your air conditioning unit does not work harder to keep your home cool.
3. Reduce water heating—Lower the temperature on the thermostat on your tank water heater, or turn it off intermittently; most outdoor water storage tanks will be sufficiently heated by the sun on very hot days. Avoid using hot water for laundry and doing dishes.
4. Unplug appliances when not in use to prevent energy wastage—Turning off the ceiling fan and/or lights before leaving a room for extended periods can help lower your energy usage. Efficient Lighting. Switch to energy-efficient LEDs, which consume significantly less electricity and generate less heat.