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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Upset fans claim ‘sabotage’ in Guyana stadium fiasco


Ambika Jagassarsingh
174 days ago
One of the inoperable floodlights, left, which caused a delay in play during the CPL Eliminator between the Trinbago Knight Riders and Barbados Royals at Providence Stadium in Georgetown, Guyana, on Tuesday night.

One of the inoperable floodlights, left, which caused a delay in play during the CPL Eliminator between the Trinbago Knight Riders and Barbados Royals at Providence Stadium in Georgetown, Guyana, on Tuesday night.

Photo by Ashley Allen - CPL T20

Out­raged Trin­ba­go Knight Rid­ers fans are now claim­ing that the CPL Elim­i­na­tor match against the Bar­ba­dos Roy­als was sab­o­taged.

TKR were bat­ting, with wick­et-keep­er bats­man Nicholas Pooran nine runs away from a cen­tu­ry, when faulty flood­lights at the Prov­i­dence Sta­di­um in Guyana de­layed the match - a break which last­ed for over two hours.

By the time the prob­lem was sort­ed and play re­sumed, TKR’s op­po­nents were giv­en five overs to score 60 runs us­ing the Duck­worth–Lewis–Stern method (DLS).

The Roy­als achieved the tar­get score for the loss of one wick­et as David Miller blazed a half-cen­tu­ry, vex­ing thou­sands of TKR fans across the Caribbean re­gion.

Se­nior TKR all-rounder An­dre Rus­sell took to so­cial me­dia yes­ter­day, ex­press­ing his dis­plea­sure with the re­sult of the match.

In a post laden with ex­ple­tives, he said, “Am not the per­son to come on the in­ter­net and voice my opin­ion but this year CPL I feel robbed.”

But Rus­sell was not the on­ly per­son who voiced con­cern about the sit­u­a­tion on so­cial me­dia.

One so­cial me­dia user stat­ed, “I am not sure how the Roy­als could feel proud of that “win”. There needs to be an in­ves­ti­ga­tion.”

An­oth­er so­cial me­dia user said, “Foul play, but Tri­ni doh for­got, es­pe­cial­ly when it comes to crick­et. Is licks for them next year and no black­out go­ing to save them. Stay strong TKR for you are the true win­ners of this year’s tour­na­ment.”

Fans are al­so ques­tion­ing the tim­ing of the re­turn of the lights for the match, as some ar­gued that it seemed pre­med­i­tat­ed, en­sur­ing the Roy­als a chance to fight for a win.

So­cial me­dia user Joe Pa­tel, said, “The lights sud­den­ly came on right at the time when the cut-off was about to hit for MY team (TKR) to move in­to the next match?”

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