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Thursday, March 27, 2025

Edwards-Taylor, Singh, Myres take Singles titles


10 days ago
FILE - Imani Edwards-Taylor won Women's A Singles title.

FILE - Imani Edwards-Taylor won Women's A Singles title.

Na­tion­al cham­pi­on Imani Tay­lor-Ed­wards of Queen's Park, Is­abel­la Myres of the Siparia Unit­ed Ta­ble Ten­nis Club (SUTTC), and Satyan Singh (Cru­saders) on Sun­day joined Makeisha Lewis as one of the Sin­gles win­ners when the T&T Ta­ble Ten­nis As­so­ci­a­tion Clas­si­fied Cham­pi­onships con­tin­ued at the Na­tion­al Rac­quet Cen­tre in Or­ange Grove, Tacarigua.

Lewis of SUTTC on Sat­ur­day, played in a short­ened fi­nal as she was among just four play­ers to com­pete in a round-robin play-off and pre­vailed with an un­blem­ished record.

Yes­ter­day, Singh con­test­ed Group 2 of 12 groups in the Men's C Sin­gles cat­e­go­ry where the top two in each group ad­vanced to the main draw. He got a bye in the round of 32 but gave a bat­tling per­for­mance to get past Jaden Samuel in the round of 16 (11-9, 7-11, 12-10, 7-11, 11-9, 11-4) to earn a berth in­to the quar­ter­fi­nals.

Singh lat­er dis­posed of Sel­wyn Sin­nette in straight sets 3-0 (11-8, 11-3, 11-4) to reach his high­est lev­el in com­pet­i­tive ten­nis at the semi­fi­nal round, where he faced Pow­er­gen's Samir Coomar Radge, the win­ner of group 10 which al­so com­prised of Doniv Pooran, Ja­son Nais­es and Garth Stoute, all of whom he de­feat­ed.

Singh made light work of Radge, clob­ber­ing him 11-6, 11-9, 11-6 for the right to clash with Dex­ter Fe­li­cian in the fi­nal which he pre­vailed in. He got a ma­jor scare though in the open­ing set which Fe­li­cian clinched 11-7. Singh lat­er dug deep to win the oth­er three 11-9, 11-3, 11-7 to claim his first-ever ma­jor ti­tle in the sport.

Ed­wards-Tay­lor, a dou­ble-crown win­ner last year at the In­sur­ance Com­pa­ny of the West In­dies Sil­ver­bowl Se­nior Ta­ble Ten­nis Tour­na­ment where she won the women's sin­gles and the dou­bles with part­ner Yu­vraj Dookram, re­peat­ed as the Women's A Sin­gles ti­tle by beat­ing Roslyn Ur­bano Leon, the top play­ers in group three.

And like in the Men's C fi­nal, Leon who rep­re­sent­ed the Uni­ver­si­ty of the West In­dies, took the first set 11-9. Ed­wards-Tay­lor re­spond­ed im­me­di­ate­ly by lev­el­ling the score 1-1 with an 11-4 tri­umph in the sec­ond set. Lat­er, Leon shift­ed the ad­van­tage in her favour for a sec­ond time by hold­ing off Ed­wards-Tay­lor in the third 11-6. But Ed­wards-Tay­lor who is no stranger to test­ing sit­u­a­tions then claimed vic­to­ries in the oth­er two sets by iden­ti­cal 11-7 mar­gins to seal the win and the re­sult­ing ti­tle, 3-2.

In the Women's C Sin­gles, Myres took five sets to pre­vail over Nayam­ka Pe­ters of Queen's Park 11-8, 6-11, 11-7, 11-4.

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