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Thursday, March 27, 2025

Noel, McCollin-Lopez help UTT whip MIC


Rachael Thompson-King
41 days ago
Goal-attack Genesis Clifford, left, of the Unit Trust Corporation (UTC) attempts a shot against the University of T&T’s goal-keeper Kielle Connelly during their match in the Premiership Division of the Courts All Sectors Netball League at the Eastern Regional Indoor Sports Arena, Tacarigua, earlier this month. UTT won 66-25.

Goal-attack Genesis Clifford, left, of the Unit Trust Corporation (UTC) attempts a shot against the University of T&T’s goal-keeper Kielle Connelly during their match in the Premiership Division of the Courts All Sectors Netball League at the Eastern Regional Indoor Sports Arena, Tacarigua, earlier this month. UTT won 66-25.

Stephen John

Shoot­ers Afeisha Noel and Kali­fa Mc­Collin-Lopez helped the Uni­ver­si­ty of T&T (UTT) get re­venge on MIC Tigers to move to the top of the stand­ings in the Pre­mier­ship Di­vi­sion of the Courts All Sec­tors Net­ball League on Sat­ur­day.

UTT sealed a nar­row 41-38 win over pre­vi­ous leader MIC in their sec­ond round match-up at the East­ern Re­gion­al In­door Sports Are­na in Tacarigua. In the first round, MIC edged the Uni­ver­si­ty team, 35-34 on Jan­u­ary 18.

Noel, the goal-shoot­er, net­ted 23 goals from 28 at­tempts to lead UTT’s shoot­ing in the com­pet­i­tive match which MIC led in the first quar­ter, 13-10. How­ev­er, UTT, who got 15 off 17 from goal-at­tack Mc­Collin-Lopez, fought back to take a sev­en-goal lead at the half, 27-20.

On the re­sump­tion, the bat­tle raged on as MIC matched UTT goal-for-goal in the third pe­ri­od which meant the Tigers still trailed by sev­en en­ter­ing the fourth and fi­nal quar­ter.

Goal-shoot­er Janeisha Cas­simy did well to keep her team with­in reach, scor­ing a match-high 29 of 38, as MIC went on to outscore its op­po­nent, 11-7 but was un­able to ful­ly over­come the deficit and set­tled for the three-goal de­feat.

Both teams are now on eight points from four wins and a loss but the mar­gin of vic­to­ry pushed UTT ahead by one (123/122) on goal dif­fer­ence.

In the oth­er match in the di­vi­sion, Unit Trust Cor­po­ra­tion (UTC) earned its first win of the sea­son, beat­ing Jabloteh 50-36 thanks to the com­bined shoot­ing ef­fort of goal-shoot­er Lil­i­ah Matthews (24/37) and goal-at­tack Gen­e­sis Clif­ford (26/37).

UTC Sparks led through­out the match. The quar­ter scores read 14-7, 22-16 and 36-26, all in favour of UTC.

Goal-at­tack Je­selle Navar­ro led the shoot­ing with 12 goals from 16 tries for Jabloteh, who dropped to last place in the four-team com­pe­ti­tion, be­hind UTC as the Sparks has a bet­ter goal dif­fer­ence of -101 to fourth-placed Jabloteh’s -144.

In the Cham­pi­onship Di­vi­sion, UTT, the Uni­ver­si­ty of the West In­dies (UWI) and Bermudez scored wins. UTT topped Po­lice, 69-18, UWI de­feat­ed MIC, 54-35 and Bermudez beat De­fence Force, 51-39.

On­ly one match in the Al­ter­na­tive Di­vi­sion was com­plet­ed as Po­lice Net­ball Youth Cub (PYNC) had to for­feit its match against UTT af­ter one of its play­ers fell ill in the first quar­ter. There was no sub­sti­tute for her. They be­gan the match with five play­ers.

In the oth­er match of the di­vi­sion, Fire Youth beat Po­lice, 38-10.

Sat­ur­day’s re­sults

Pre­mier­ship Di­vi­sion

MIC 38 (Janeisha Cas­simy 29/38, Ree­ka Seer­at­tan 8/14, Re­han­na Ali 1/5) vs UTT 41 (Afeisha Noel 23/28, Kali­fa Mc­Collin-Lopez 18/23). Quar­ter scores: 1st 13-10 (MIC), 2nd 27-20 (UTT), 3rd 34-27 (UTT).

UTC 50 (Lil­i­ah Matthews 24/37, Gen­e­sis Clif­ford 26/37) vs JABLOTEH 36 (Ju­lia Brit­to 3/4, Je­selle Navar­ro 12/16, Abeni Tay­lor 9/15, La­Toya Thomas 12/20). Quar­ter scores: 1st 14-7, 2nd 22-16, 3rd 36-26 (All in favour of UTC).

Cham­pi­onship Di­vi­sion

UTT 69 (Aquila Blugh 18/26, Jeni­cia Goodridge 23/31, George Ann Hors­ford 28/36) vs PO­LICE 18 (Melis­sa Thomas 9/16, Aaliyah An­drew 0/1, Tami­ka John 9/15). Quar­ter scores: 1st 17-9, 2nd 32-13, 3rd 50-15 (All in favour of UTT).

UWI 54 (Maikea Bram­ble 46/57, Keiko Roy 5/8, Tis­han­na Alex­is 3/4) vs MIC 35 (Tiffany Gon­za­les 21/29, El­isha Ramkissoon 8/14, Er­i­ca Job 6/9). Quar­ter scores: 1st 16-9, 2nd 28-17, 3rd 38-30 (All in favour of UWI).

BERMUDEZ 51 (Nekeisha Gomes 44/58, Za­kiya Mc Ken­na 3/11, Jo­ce­lyn Mar­celle 4/9) vs DEF FORCE 39 (Ja­da Hamil­ton 18/32, Christie Snag­gs 21/35). Quar­ter scores: 1st 8/8, 2nd 20-18 (Def Force), 3rd 35-28 (Bermudez).

Al­ter­na­tive Di­vi­sion

FIRE YOUTH 38 (Natha­lyia Fletch­er 21/31, Karis­sa Grant 10/19, Gen­e­sis Alex­is 7/12) vs PO­LICE 10 (Nari­ba Isodore 6/11, Shi­an Hem Lee 4/8). Quar­ter scores: 1st 9-2, 2nd 18-3, 3rd 26-7 (All in favour of Fire Youth).

UTT won by de­fault PNYC.

Pre­mier­ship Di­vi­sion stand­ings

Pos Team P W D L GF GA GD Pts

1 UTT 5 4 0 1 269 146 123 8

2 MIC 5 4 0 1 259 137 122 8

3 UTC 5 1 0 4 154 255 -101 2

4 Jabloteh 5 1 0 4 130 274 -144 2

Thurs­day’s match­es

Al­ter­na­tive Di­vi­sion

De­fence Force vs USC, 5.30 pm

Fire Youth vs TT Post, 6.20 pm

Po­lice vs PNYC, 7.10 pm

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