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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Tottenham’s Spencer returns to Chelsea on loan


25 days ago
Rebecca Spencer is returning to Chelsea on loan from Tottenham.

Rebecca Spencer is returning to Chelsea on loan from Tottenham.

KINGSTON – Chelsea has signed Reg­gae Girlz goal­keep­er Re­bec­ca Spencer on emer­gency loan from Tot­ten­ham for the rest of the Women’s Su­per League (WSL) sea­son.

Chelsea, the de­fend­ing WSL cham­pi­ons, moved to sign Spencer fol­low­ing a ma­jor in­jury to their goal­keep­er Femke Lieft­ing, with their oth­er goal­keep­er Ze­ci­ra Muso­vic re­cent­ly an­nounc­ing her preg­nan­cy.

The 34-year-old Spencer will be hop­ing to reignite her ca­reer with Chelsea – a club she pre­vi­ous­ly rep­re­sent­ed be­tween 2016 and 2018 where she won WSL and FA Cup ti­tles – hav­ing seen lim­it­ed game time un­der Tot­ten­ham head coach Robert Vi­la­hamn.

Spencer pre­vi­ous­ly played for Ar­se­nal, Not­ting­ham For­est, Gilling­ham, Soy­aux and Birm­ing­ham City, and was a key part of the Reg­gae Girlz’ his­toric run at the 2023 FI­FA Women’s World Cup.

Un­der league reg­u­la­tions, the club was able to re­cruit and reg­is­ter a re­place­ment out­side of the trans­fer win­dow.

In a state­ment, the club said it was ex­cit­ed to wel­come Spencer back in­to the fold.

“Every­one at Chelsea is de­light­ed to wel­come Becky back to the club, and we look for­ward to hav­ing her as part of the team for the rest of the sea­son,” the state­ment read.


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