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Thursday, March 27, 2025

T&T bubbles in world’s top 100 again


Sport Desk
552 days ago
T&T senior men's football starting team against Curacao on Thursday, Shannon Gomez, from left, front row, Ryan Telfer, Daniel Phillip, Kaile Auvray, Malcolm Shaw and in back row, Justin Garcia, Andre Rampersad, Neveal Hackshaw, Aubrey David (capatin), Ross Russell Jr and goalkeeper Denzil Smith  ahead of their Concacaf Nations League (CNL) 'A' match at the Hasely Crawford Stadium, Mucurapo, Port-of-Spain on September 7. T&T won 1-0.

T&T senior men's football starting team against Curacao on Thursday, Shannon Gomez, from left, front row, Ryan Telfer, Daniel Phillip, Kaile Auvray, Malcolm Shaw and in back row, Justin Garcia, Andre Rampersad, Neveal Hackshaw, Aubrey David (capatin), Ross Russell Jr and goalkeeper Denzil Smith ahead of their Concacaf Nations League (CNL) 'A' match at the Hasely Crawford Stadium, Mucurapo, Port-of-Spain on September 7. T&T won 1-0.

Daniel Prentice

Re­cent wins against El Sal­vador and Cu­ra­cao have cat­a­pult­ed eight-time Caribbean Cup cham­pi­ons T&T back in­to the top 100 of the FI­FA men’s world rank­ings.

T&T jumped four places up from 102nd to 98th and re­turned to the top 100 for the first time in al­most five years and en­sures that the So­ca War­riors, as they are known, hold on­to the CFU’s No 4 spot based on their world rank­ing.

There has been no change in top five in the CFU with Ja­maica at 56th in the world be­ing the top ranked na­tion in front of Haiti ranked at 87th, Cu­raçao at 90th, T&T, and An­tigua & Bar­bu­da at 137th.

Two re­cent loss­es for Bar­ba­dos against Montser­rat and Nicaragua in the Con­ca­caf Na­tions League have ben­e­fit­ted Guyana, and they have re­turned to the CFU top 10, mov­ing up three spots to be ranked at 165th in the world.

Suri­name at 145th in the world rank­ings, St Kitts & Nevis one place low­er, Do­mini­can Re­pub­lic at 151st, and

Puer­to Ri­co at 160th are the na­tions that oc­cu­py po­si­tion six to nine in the CFU.

The Bar­ba­di­ans made the most sig­nif­i­cant drop in the re­gion, mov­ing from 166th in the world to 172nd, and Aru­ba had the biggest jump among the CFU teams, leap­ing six places from 199th to 193rd.

World cham­pi­ons Ar­genti­na re­mained the top na­tion in the world rank­ings af­ter wins against Ecuador and Bo­livia in their 2026 World Cup qual­i­fiers ear­li­er this month.

France, Brazil, Eng­land, and Bel­gium com­plete the top five.


Lat­est CFU rank­ings

(NOTE: World Rank­ings in brack­ets with po­si­tion­al change).

1 Ja­maica (56, up two)

2 Haiti (87, no change)

3 Cu­raçao (90, down two)

4 T&T (98, up four)

5 An­tigua & Bar­bu­da (137, down five)

6 Suri­name (145, down two)

7 St Kitts & Nevis (146, down one)

8 Do­mini­can Re­pub­lic (151, up one)

9 Puer­to Ri­co (160, up three)

10 Guyana (154, up three)

11 St Lu­cia (166, up four)

12 Cu­ba (169, up three)

13 Bar­ba­dos (172, down six)

14 Grena­da (173, up one)

15 Bermu­da (174, up one)

16 St Vin­cent & the Grenadines (176, up three)

17 Montser­rat (179, no change)

18 Do­mini­ca (182, up two)

19 Aru­ba (193, up six)

20 Cay­man Is­lands (196, up three)

21 The Ba­hamas (200, down three)

22 Turks & Caicos Is­lands (203, down one)

23 Unit­ed States Vir­gin Is­lands (204, up one)

24 British Vir­gin Is­lands (205, up one)

25 An­guil­la (206, up one)

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