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Thursday, March 27, 2025

T&T Red Force Divas and Barbados clash for Super50 title


21 days ago

BAS­SETERRE, St Kitts – Bar­ba­dos Women and Trinidad and To­ba­go Women will con­test the fi­nal of the Women’s Su­per50 Cup on Fri­day.

En­ter­ing the fi­nal round in third po­si­tion on Wednes­day, Bar­ba­dos Women booked their spot in the fi­nal with an em­phat­ic nine-wick­et win over the Lee­ward Is­lands Women to fin­ish top of the ta­ble.

Mean­while, the top-of-the-ta­ble clash be­tween lead­ers T&T Women and sec­ond placed Guyana Women end­ed in a no-re­sult, send­ing T&T through to the fi­nal.

The oth­er con­test be­tween Ja­maica Women and the Wind­ward Is­lands Women al­so end­ed in a no-re­sult due to rain.

At St Paul’s Sports Com­plex: Bar­ba­dos Women pulled off a straight­for­ward run chase to record a com­fort­able nine-wick­et vic­to­ry in a must win game against the Lee­ward Is­lands Women.

Need­ing a win to as­sure them­selves of a place in the fi­nal, they pro­duced an im­pres­sive bowl­ing dis­play, led by medi­um pac­er Al­li­son Gor­don, to dis­miss their op­po­nents for just 85 in 31.2 overs.

Ky­cia Knight scored a half cen­tu­ry for Bar­ba­dos Women to send through to the fi­nal of the Women’s Su­per50 Cup

The Lee­ward Is­lands got off to a hor­ri­ble start when pac­er Shamil­ia Con­nell and Gor­don dis­missed open­ers Meli­cia Clarke and Davronique May­nard re­spec­tive­ly for ducks, to leave them four for two.

Gor­don al­so ac­count­ed for the wick­ets of Shawnisha Hec­tor for nine, Aman­da Ed­wards for two and Kim­ber­ly An­tho­ny for one, to see Guyana crum­ble to 47 for eight.

Jahzara Clax­ton then scored an un­beat­en 23 to help beef up the to­tal, but it was nev­er go­ing to be enough.

Gor­don fin­ished with 4-12, while Keila El­liot and Shamil­ia Con­nell grabbed two wick­ets apiece.

Fac­ing an easy run chase, Ky­cia Knight struck an un­beat­en 61 from 64 balls and Tr­is­han Hold­er scored 22 not out, as Bar­ba­dos eased to 87 for one in 17.5 overs.

At Warn­er Park: Rain de­nied Guyana Women a chance to play for the ti­tle, with heavy show­ers forc­ing a pre­ma­ture end to the match.

Ear­ly rains had re­sult­ed in the match be­ing re­duced to 47 overs and with Bar­ba­dos Women hav­ing won, Guyana need­ed a vic­to­ry against Trinidad and To­ba­go Women to qual­i­fy for the fi­nal and were in a good po­si­tion to make a push be­fore the rains came.

Hav­ing been sent in to bat, Guyana made 108 in 45.2 overs, with Shabi­ka Gajn­abi scor­ing 51 off 96 balls.

Gajn­abi, along with Ash­mi­ni Mu­nis­ar, who made 19, res­cued their side from 28 for six, adding 52 runs for the sev­enth wick­et to help get Guyana up to their even­tu­al to­tal.

Kar­ish­ma Ramharack (3-14), Ameila Khan (3-18) and Steffie Soogrim (2-21), were the main de­stroy­ers for Trinidad and To­ba­go.

Cher­ry-Ann Fras­er and Plaf­fi­an­na Milling­ton then struck two blows ear­ly to re­duce Trinidad & To­ba­go to 15 for two, but the rains came short­ly af­ter with the score 16 for two, bring­ing an end to the match.

At Cona­ree Sports Club: On­ly 20 overs were pos­si­ble in the match be­tween Ja­maica Women and Wind­ward Is­lands Women due to per­sis­tent show­ers.

The Wind­ward Is­lands reached 95 for three with Jan­nil­lea Glas­gow scor­ing an un­beat­en 41, while Japhi­na Joseph made 33.

Yes­ter­day’s Sum­marised Scores

At St Paul’s Sports Com­plex: Bar­ba­dos Women de­feat­ed Lee­ward Is­lands Women by nine wick­ets.

LEE­WARD IS­LANDS 85 in 31.2 overs (Jahzara Clax­ton 23 not out, Re­niece Boyce 15; Al­li­son Gor­don 4-13, Keila El­liot 2-11, Shamil­ia Con­nell 2-26) vs BAR­BA­DOS 87-1 in 17.5 overs (Ky­cia Knight 51 not out, Tr­is­han Hold­er 22 not out).

At Warn­er Park: The match be­tween T&T Women and Guyana Women end­ed in a no re­sult.

GUYANA 108 in 45.2 overs (Shabi­ka Gajn­abi 51, Ash­mi­ni Mu­nis­ar 19; Kar­ish­ma Ramharack 3-14, Ameila Khan 3-18, Steffie Soogrim 2-21) vs T&T 16-2 in eight overs.

At Cona­ree Sports Club: The match be­tween Ja­maica Women and Wind­ward Is­lands Women end­ed in a no re­sult.

WIND­WARD IS­LANDS 95-3 in 20 overs (Jan­nil­lea Glas­gow 41 not out, Japhi­na Joseph 33).


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